This repository contains the technical documentation for the GMTB Common Community Physics Package (CCPP). A viewable version of the latest documentation resides here.
The documentation is generated with Sphinx, using the reStructuredText (.rst) files in the CCPPtechnical/source directory. Output can be generated in HTML or PDF formats.
In order to create the technical documentation as described below, Sphinx and its extension sphinxcontrib-bibtex need to be installed on the system. If PDF output is required, TeX/LaTeX must also be installed.
Sphinx can be installed in various ways (see, for example using Anaconda:
conda install sphinx
conda install -c conda-forge sphinxcontrib-bibtex
Comprehensive TeX/LaTeX distributions are provided for Windows, macOS and Linux. For more information see
To generate the technical documentation:
- Clone the repository.
git clone
- Build the HTML document.
cd ccpp-doc/CCPPtechnical
make html
This will generate HTML files in ./build/html. 3. Build the PDF document.
cd ccpp-doc/CCPPtechnical
make latexpdf
This will generate a PDF file ./build/latex/CCPPtechnical.pdf.