The goal of this project is for a leader of an organization to be able to create a schedule where particpants in the group can sign up to meet with the leader. An organizer will create a schedule and then use a link to send out to their participants so they can sign up for a given time slot in the meetings available. This task was given to us to do over the course of B-term (just 7 weeks!) 2018-19 for Software Engineering, CS 3733.
The vision for the assignment was to get each group familiar with all of the different aspects of basic web programming. The projects use Amazon Web Services (herein after referred to as AWS) to help us run the program as a live web application.
Backend - The server on AWS uses Java based lambda functions. Essentially, each task that requires new lookup into the database or the processing of information will have it's own lambda function.
Frontend - The frontend is standard HTML/CSS/JS. It uses basic HTTP requests (mostly POST and DELETE) to send and recieve information to and from AWS.
Brittany Goldstein - Backend developer
Andrew Markoski - Database manager
Alex Spielman - Quality Assurance
JP Bulman - Frontend developer
All the class teams were given team names at the start of the term, all of them being star names. Kajam is the first star in the Omega portion of the Hercules system. The word comes from the greek Caia, in reference to the club of Hercules himself. source