Convert your RSS feed into a podcast (Self-hosted, tacotron version of [] )
This is a wrapper around TTS to automatically add it to rss feeds
git clone
cd tacocast
Create your own virtual environment. Then:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You will need to input your own values in .env if you want to use it on your own RSS feed. Otherwise, just add entries to in_feed.xml
python -m tacocast
Resulting files will be in output (you can also change .env to automatically push to your server)
My own workflow is to host a feed.xml file derived from in_feed.xml on my server. I use Freshrss on that file so that I can also aggregate other RSS feeds.
I then use bindfiles to edit this feed.xml whenever I need to add something
For tacocast, I use cron/manual runs, and have an sshfs to output them directly on my server
- add better comments/file separation
- remove and convert it into a PR to tqdm
- remove .env and convert it to a proper yaml configuratio