Final project for the Combinatorial Optimization course at PUT.
Check out the report for implementation details.
The main script is located in file
We tested the code using Python 3.10 with numpy 1.24.
There is a bash script to run it on all problem instances
located in the input/
$ python3 ./ < input/a_example.txt > out.txt 2> err.txt
$ ./solution_test input/a_example.txt out.txt
Theoretical upper bound: 21
No problem found, final score: 21
$ ./
Running a_example
Upper bound: 21
score 21
The score is 100.00 % of upper bound
Theoretical upper bound: 21
No problem found, final score: 21
Running b_read_on
This program prints some information to standard error output (stderr),
but it can be disabled by redirecting it to /dev/null
Note: Python hashing algorithm, used for example in the set
built-in structure,
is not deterministic.
We have seen computation time vary between subsequent runs on the same machine
due to Python hash seed being randomized by the interprer.
There is no way to set it in the code, because it was introduced for security.
On different machines computations can take 90 seconds instead of 45, we do not know why.
In case of permission error please try to run chmod +x