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A python package for implementing simple workflows with Biocontainers. (

Supported tools:

  • Art (only Art_illumina, not tested!)
  • BCF tools v 1.3.1 (not tested)
  • Blast v2.2.31 (blastn, blastp, makeblastdb)
  • Bowtie2 v2.2.9
  • BWA v0.7.15 (only BWA-mem, index)(not tested)
  • CD-Hit v4.6.8 (only cd-hit-est) not tested!
  • FastQC v0.11.15
  • Hisat2 v2.1.0 (not tested)
  • Hmmer v3.1b2
  • Megahit v1.1.1 / v 1.1.2
  • Prodigal v2.6.3
  • Recycler latest
  • RGI v3.2.1 (not tested)
  • Samtools v.1.3.1
  • Spades v3.11.0 (only for paired end input)
  • SRST2 v0.2.0
  • Tabix v0.2.5 (not tested)
  • Trimmomatic v0.36


cd /path/to/repo/
pip3 install .


  • Docker (tested with Version: 17.05.0-ce; API version: 1.29)

  • Python >= 3.4

  • Python modules: xxhash, PyYaml, docker, psutil

Basic Usage:

1.) Make a config file in YAML format:

## Optional Settings: uncomment to change from default:
# parallel containers: 2 # maximum number of containers to set_param parallel (default: 1)
# threads per container: 4 # max number of threads per container (default : cpus available)
# workdir: /path/to/output/directory/ # (default: working directory)
# tempdir: /path/to/tmp/files/ # directory for temporary files (default: working directory)
# log: mylog.txt # name of log file written to workdir (default: no logging)
# Specify the input:
    - id: Sample1
      type: fastq-pe-gz # input file format
      files: [/path/to/inputfile/Sample1_1.fastq.gz,
    - id: Sample2
      type: fastq-pe-gz # input file format
      files: [/path/to/inputfile/Sample2_1.fastq.gz,

2.) Write your workflow:

from bioportainer import config, container
input = config.load_configfile(configfile="config.yaml")
tool1_output = container.tool1.run_parallel(input)
tool2_output = container.tool2.run_parallel(tool1_output)

Alternatively you can run one sample after the other:

from bioportainer import config, container
input = config.load_configfile(configfile="config.yaml")
for sample in input:
    tool1_output =
    tool2_output =

An example Workflow can be found in the test/ directory

3.) Output:

You find the output generated by the containers in the specified working directory with the subdirectories /container_name/sample_id/.

Detailed Usage:

Config file:

Optional settings:

parallel containers: set a maximum number of containers to spawn parallel

threads per container: set the maximum numbers of cores to be used by one container

workdir: The Output will be written to the working directory of the python script. An alternative Path can be specified here.

tempdir: some tools support alternative paths for temporary files. this can be specified here. (not tested!)

Specify the input:

The input is defined as a list of Samples with the attributes "id" (a unique string to identify the sample), "files" (a list of file paths) and the file type. Find a list of possible file types in the appendix.The config.load_configfile() method returns a Samplelist object.

SampleIO and SampleList objects:

SampleIO and SampleList (a List of SampleIOs) are complex class objects which serve as adapters to couple the input and output between containers.


filter_files("regex") : filter files in SampleIO object(s) by a regular expression matching the filepath in

the sample directory.

delete_files(): remove files in the SampleIO object(s) from the filesystem
from_user(id_, type_, files)

Both classes have a method to manually create an instance. The SampleList impementation combines positional arguments to a SampleList object. Example:

from bioportainer import SampleIO, SampleList
refseq = SampleIO.SampleIO.from_user("refseq", "type", ("path/to/file",))
refseqs = SampleList.SampleList.from_user(*[refseq] * 2) 

Change the output directory name to directory_name e.g. if you want to run a container with multiple parameters without overwriting the results

container Object:

The container object holds all available containers as attributes.


run(SampleIO, ... , mount=(mount/path/to/file,) (subcmd="subcmd"), threads=config.container_threads)

The run Method does actually more than just running the container: It checks if the container is available on the docker client and builds it if not. It checks the file cache. If output files are not found it starts a container with the specified command, runs it and delete it when finished. The container logs are written to the logfile if specified.


  • SampleIO, one or more SampleIO object specifying the input
  • mount: tuple of file paths if additional files need to be mounted to the container (e.g. a reference sequence)
  • subcmd string specifying the sub command (only if a container provides more than one command)


SampleIO object

run_parallel(SampleList, ... , mount(,)mount=(mount/path/to/file,) (subcmd="subcmd"), threads=config.container_threads)


  • same as run (positional arguments are of type SampleList)
  • threads: override the number of cpus for the container specified in configfile (optional)

Return: SampleList object


chained method to override the default values for optional parameters of the run command. Provides the signature with all parameters availiable in the container (except those controlling input/output). Container with subcommands have the method implemented with functionname set_<subcmd>_params


change the input-type for a container


select the file_type for the SampleIO object returned from the run command


add a regex in addition to the output_type to filter the output files

# apply() and parallel_apply()

map a function on a SampleIO or SampleFile object. the mapped function must take a SampleIO object as first argument. call the function as follows:

def func(sample, *args, **kwargs)
    do_something with sample ...

sampleIOobj.apply(func, *args, **kwargs)
sampleListobj.parallel_apply(func, *args, **kwargs)


All SampleList objects are pickled and safed in the .cacheIO directory under the working directory. Any before running a container checksums for the inputfiles, the command string and the output files are compared to those in the corresponding IO object. Containers will only run if the output files are not missing or corrupted.

Implementing new containers

1.) fork the repo

2.) Implement a container class in bioportainer/containers (derive from SingleCmdContainer or MultiCmdContainer) Provide complete method signatures for set_opt_params() run() and run_parallel() using the corresponding impl_ decorator.

2.) If no Biocontainer exists: create a Dockerfile under bioportainer/containers/dockerfiles/<container_name> follow the Biocontainer implementation guidelines.

3.) Add the container as attribute to the ContainerAdapter class

4.) Test it

5.) Send a Merge Request


File types:

File Type Description possible extensions
fasta-se Fasta single end .fa ; .fasta
fasta-pe Fasta paired end .fa ; .fasta
fasta-inter Fasta interleaved .fa ; .fasta
fasta-pe-gz Fasta single end gzipped .fa.gz ; .fasta.gz
fasta-se-gz Fasta paired end gzipped .fa.gz ; .fasta.gz
fasta-se-gz Fasta inteleaved gzipped .fa.gz ; .fasta.gz
fasta-se-bz Fasta single end bzipped .fa.bz2 ; .fasta.bz2
fasta-pe-bz Fasta paired end bzipped .fa.bz2 ; .fasta.bz2
fasta-inter-bz Fasta inteleaved bzipped .fa.bz2 ; .fasta.bz2
fastq-se Fastq single end .fq ; .fastq
fastq-pe Fastq paired end .fq ; .fastq
fastq-inter Fastq interleaved .fq ; .fastq
fastq-pe-gz Fastq single end gzipped .fq.gz ; .fastq.gz
fastq-se-gz Fastq paired end gzipped .fq.gz ; .fastq.gz
fastq-se-gz Fastq inteleaved gzipped .fq.gz ; .fastq.gz
fastq-se-bz Fastq single end bzipped .fq.bz2 ; .fastq.bz2
fastq-pe-bz Fastq paired end bzipped .fq.bz2 ; .fastq.bz2
fastq-inter-bz Fastq inteleaved bzipped .fq.bz2 ; .fastq.bz2
sam sam format .sam
bam bam format .bam
bai bam index .bam.bai
fastg fasta graph .fastg
gbk Genebank format .gbk ; .genebank
gff gff format .gff
sqn ncbi sqn format .sqn
bt2 Bowtie index .bt2
html html .html
txt text file .txt

Additional Container Informations


Note that optional parameters which require inputfiles need those files mounted with the "mount" parameter in the run method.


Default gene_db or mlst_db files (ARGannot.fasta, Plasmid18Replicons.fasta, ARGannot.r1.fasta, EcOH.fasta PlasmidFinder.fasta LEE_mlst.fasta, ResFinder.fasta) are linked to the /data directory and can be acessed via the corresponding optional Parameter (without adding a path). Custom files can be added by using the mount parameter


ILLUMINACLIP: custom: mount file in run method and set prameter string: ::: Use Illumina files (NexteraPE-PE.fa, TruSeq2-PE.fa, TruSeq2-SE.fa, TruSeq3-PE-2.fa, TruSeq3-PE.fa, TruSeq3-SE.fa): set parameter string without file: :: avaliable files:


A workflow interface for Biocontainers






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