Paper available at: and
Note: This code uses Telegram API in order to get the data. Make sure you have requested access before starting. For detailed instructions on how to request the access to the Telegram API, and how to generate the needed tokens, have a look at:
Create and activate a virtual environemnt. Then, install all the required packages
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
Modify the given config.yaml to store your keys and other configuracion variables. Remember to keep this file on the .gitignore since it contains sensible information. Alternativetly, you could use another method to store your API keys. Feel free to adapt the code as needed.
In addition you will have to provide a .txt file with a list of users ids that you would like to start to get data from. We include an example file my_channels_list.txt. Here is an example of the content:
Note that the code is designed to run in a daily basis. When running for the first time you will get data from the day before running the script. For testing, inside your virtual environment, just simply run:
If you want the collection to run everyday, just add the command into a cronjob.
The script is designed to run in a daily basis. Thus, it will create a folder inside the selected path for each day, e.g. 2022-04-05. Inside the folder you will find 4 json files: telegram_channels.json, telegram_messages.json, telegram_messages_media.json, and telegram_users.json, containing the data. Aditionally, it will create a folder called media to store the multimodal data, i.e. images, videos, and documents.
The next ER diagram shows the relationship between the files.
Aditionally to our data collection pipeline, we added a script to get transcripts from the dowloaded Telegram videos. To integrate this step to the data collection create a .sh file with the following structure:
#!/bin/bash -l
#Get yesterday date, we will need to send this as parameter
yesterday=$(date -d "yesterday 13:00" '+%Y-%m-%d')
#Activate your virtual env
#Run collection pipeline, this could take a while. It will depend on the number of users that you would like to get data from.
#Create folders to organise media
mkdir root_to_data/$yesterday/media/images
mkdir root_to_data/$yesterday/media/videos
mkdir root_to_data/$yesterday/media/documents
#Moving data to corresponding folder
mv root_to_data/$yesterday/media/*.jpg root_to_data/$yesterday/media/images
mv root_to_data/$yesterday/media/*.mp4 root_to_data/$yesterday/media/videos
mv root_to_data/$yesterday/media/*.pdf root_to_data/$yesterday/media/documents
#Run script to get transcripts
python3 /home/home01/scjasm/data-collection/telegram/ $yesterday
#Create folder for transcript
mkdir root_to_data/$yesterday/media/transcripts
#Move transcripts to corresponding folder
mv root_to_data/$yesterday/media/videos/*.txt root_to_data/$yesterday/media/transcripts
#OPTIONAL: Produce an excel file with a summary of the transcripts
python3 $yesterday
Finally, just run your .sh file, or locate it inside a cronjob:
Code to classify the collected images, soon available...