Ruby on Rails 5 - Group Chat with ActionCable
This repo is created by following screencast on website
ruby -v # ruby 2.3.1p112
rails -v # Rails 5.0.0
gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~> 3.3', '>= 3.3.7'
gem 'devise', '~> 4.2'
gem 'slim', '~> 3.0', '>= 3.0.7'
gem 'devise-bootstrapped', '~> 0.1.1' # only used to generate bootstrapped devise views then deleted as no longer needed
v1 sumarizes Group Chat with ActionCable: Part 1
v2.0 sumarizes Group Chat with ActionCable: Part 2
v3.0 sumarizes Group Chat with ActionCable: Part 3
v4.0 sumarizes Group Chat with ActionCable: Part 4