This is my solution to the Basic HTML5 preliminary test of Nord software. Original documentation of the test can be found in
Following components are used in this solution.
- Knockout: Data binding
- Bootstrap: CSS framework
- Font-awesome: Icon font library
Most important files to look at are:
- viewmodel.js: Contains all the javascript of the application
- site.css: The style definitions of the application generated from site.less
- index.html: HTML markup of the application
- The application must be a static HTML5 application (only HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and fonts)
- Render a table that displays users on individual rows
- Create a form for adding new users to the table
- A user should have the following properties: id (string), name (string), gender (male or female), and age (number)
- Each user row should contain a button for deleting the respective user
- Form field validation
- Pagination
- Editing existing users
- Being able to sort users by each column
- Using a CSS framework