To execute the project you will need JDK8. If you have gradle installed you only need to run:
$ gradle run -PappArgs="['MainClass']"
Where MainClass is the class containing the declaration of the main method, for example:
$ gradle run -PappArgs="['Tests.TestCacheMain']"
If you do not like gradle, you can always run it using, on Linux:
$ java -cp ./build/libs/genericFunctions.jar:./javassist.jar:. MainClass
Or in Windows:
$ java -cp "build/libs/genericFunctions.jar;javassist.jar" MainClass
Our extensions consist of:
- Caching of effective methods;
- Other methods combination (LIST, AND, OR, PLUS, MAX, MIN);
- Caching the result of other methods combination.
We use the @GenericFunction, @After and @Before annotations of the non-extended version. Therefore, if you want to run tests made for the non-extended version in the extended version, you do not have to import a different annotation.
To run the extended version of the project, using gradle, you have to change the main class on build.gradle from/to:
mainClassName = ''
mainClassName = ''
To run it with java you only need the command bellow (instead of the previous command):
$ java -cp ./build/libs/genericFunctions.jar:./javassist.jar:. MainClass
We have some tests for the extensions in the package "Tests". For example, you can run the Test.TestCacheMain with the extended version versus the non-extended version and compare the execution time. You can also check how to use other method combinations using. for example, the Test.TestCombinationMAXMain test, for the MAX type.