Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm currently pursuing a Masters in Business Analytics from the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin 🤘. I do not come from a traditional background for a data scientist, but I have always been interested in quantitative subjects. Through work experiences, I discovered a love for programming and diving deeper into the different facets of analysis. On my profile, you'll find a mix of school projects as well as personal projects I've undergone out of curiosity or to build out my skillset. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions!
🧪 Topics Explored: Unstructured Data, Image Classification, Portfolio Optimization, Statistical Arbitrage, and many more!
🖋️ Wrote Medium Article on Driver Drowsiness Facial Image Analysis: utilizes various CNN architectures to create a model that detects when a driver closes their eyes for an extended period of time.
- Quantitative Portfolio Management by Michael Isichenko
- Evaluating Intelligence with Respect to AI
- FunSearch: Pairing a Trained LLM with a Systematic Evaluator
- How Transformers Approach Compositional Tasks and Their Limits
- Deciphering LLM Strategies
- Auto-Regressive LLMs' Struggle with Generalization
- Liquid Neural Nets for Autonomous Driving