- Fault Proof: Replaces the original centralized proposer system.
- Fault Proof Game: Uses binary search to find the smallest instruction where consensus is reached between the parties, and verifies it on-chain.
- Cannon: An off-chain program used to generate on-chain move/step data.
- op-program: Provides the prototype ELF files for Cannon's use and the service for supplying Pre-Image data.
- op-challenger: Automates the operation of games by invoking Cannon and op-program.
- Public-OP-Stack-Fault-Proofs-Sherlock-Competition-Handbook
- Docs
- Specs
- Building a Fault Proof System worthy of the Superchain
- Maximizing fault proof modularity with a composable pre-image oracle
- Fault Proof Deep-Dive Part 1: MIPS.sol
- Fault Proof Deep-Dive Part 2: Cannon
- CANNON CANNON CANNON: Introducing Cannon
- The game’s afoot: designing modular dispute games for the OP Stack’s Fault Proof System