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A hash utility, est. 2002, FLOSS. 489 hash functions, HMAC support, cross platform, feature-rich, multi threaded. CLI and API. Recursive hashing, predefined and customizable formats, verify data integrity and find ok/failed/missing/new files, find files by their hashes, find the hash function to a hash. GUI provided by HashGarten.


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Jacksum (JAva ChecKSUM) is a free, open source, cross-platform, feature-rich, multi-threaded, command line utility that makes hash functions available to you to solve particular tasks the smart way.

Jacksum covers many types of use cases in which hash values make sense:

  • Calculating of hash values/fingerprints of almost any input (command line arg, console, standard input, plain or encoded strings, files, partitions, disks, NTFS ADS, pipes, sockets, doors, ...)
  • Finding OK/failed/missing/new files (verify file/data integrity)
  • Finding files by their fingerprints for positive matching
  • Finding files that do not match certain fingerprints for negative matching
  • Finding all duplicates of a file by its hash value
  • Finding the algorithm(s) that generated a certain hash value
  • Investigate polynomials of CRCs
  • Investigate parameters of HMACs

In order to achieve the goals above Jacksum supports you with

  • cross-platform executability
  • Recursive traversal with depth control, policies to follow symbolic links on files and/or folders, and file system cycle detection
  • Multi-threading across platforms for parallel hash calculations and data reads in order to take advantage of multi-core processors and fast SSD storage
  • 489 standard hash functions
  • HMAC support for 414 hash functions
  • 60+ command line options to control Jacksum's behavior
  • Customizable CRCs from 1 to 64 bit width
  • 15 different encodings for representing hash values
  • 10 predefined standard styles for reading and writing files that contain hash values
  • Fully customizable output format
  • 170+ different character sets to be able to read and write hash files correctly
  • 9200+ lines of with descriptions, examples, and compatibility lists for all supported algorithms

Jacksum is also a library. You can use it for your projects. It is written entirely in Java ☕.


Jacksum is for users with security in mind, advanced users, sysadmins, students of informatics, computer scientists, cybersecurity engineers, forensics engineers, penetration testers, white hat hackers, reverse engineers, CRC researchers, etc. Jacksum is for professionals, but since HashGarten bundles the Jacksum library, Jacksum is available even to users who don't even know how to open a terminal.

System Requirements

  • GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, or macOS
  • JDK 11 or later
  • 2 MiB disk space
Details ...


Go to Features of Jacksum.

Algorithm Support

Jacksum supports 489 hash functions, both cryptographic and non-cryptographic hash function sets, including CRCs and classic checksums.

Adler-32, ascon-hash, ascon-hasha, ascon-xof, ascon-xofa, AST strsum PRNG hash, BLAKE-[224,256,348,512], BLAKE2b-[8..512], BLAKE2s-[8..256], BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp, BLAKE3, cksum (Minix), cksum (Unix), CRC-8 (FLAC), CRC-16 (LHA/ARC), CRC-16 (Minix), FCS-16, CRC-24 (OpenPGP), CRC-32 (FCS-32), CRC-32 (MPEG-2), CRC-32 (bzip2), CRC-32 (FDDI), CRC-32 (UBICRC32), CRC-32 (PHP's crc32), CRC-64 (ISO 3309), CRC-64 (ECMA-182), CRC-64 (prog lang GO, const ISO), CRC-64 (.xz and prog lang GO, const ECMA), CRC-82/DARC, DHA-256, ECHO-[224,256,348,512], ed2k, ELF (Unix), esch256, esch384, Fletcher's Checksum, FNV-0_[32,64,128,256,512,1024], FNV-1_[32,64,128,256,512,1024], FNV-1a_[32,64,128,256,512,1024], FORK-256, Fugue-[224,256,348,512], GOST Crypto-Pro (GOST R 34.11-94), GOST R 34.11-94, Groestl-[224,256,384,512], HAS-160 (KISA), HAVAL-128-[3,4,5], HAVAL-[160,192,224,256]-[3,4,5], JH[224,256,284,512], joaat, KangarooTwelve, Keccak[224,256,384,512], Kupyna[256,384,512] (DSTU 7564:2014), LSH-256-[224,256], LSH-512-[224,256,384,512] (KS X 3262), Luffa-[224,256,348,512], MD2, MD4, MD5, MDC2, MarsupilamiFourteen, PANAMA, PRNG hash, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD[160,256,320], RadioGatun[32,64], SHA-0, SHA-1, SHA-[224,256,384,512], SHA-512/[224,256] (NIST FIPS 180-4), SHA3-[224,256,384,512], SHAKE[128,256] (NIST FIPS 202), SM3, Skein-1024-[8..1024], Skein-256-[8..256], Skein-512-[8..512], Streebog-[256,512] (GOST R 34.11-2012), sum (BSD Unix), sum (Minix), sum (System V Unix), sum [8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64], Tiger, Tiger/128, Tiger/160, Tiger2, photon-beetle, PHP Tiger variants (tiger192,4, tiger160,4, and tiger128,4), VSH-1024, Whirpool-0, Whirlpool-T, Whirlpool, Xoodyak, xor8, and XXH32.

See also Algorithms of Jacksum

Jacksum supports HMAC, a mechanism for message authentication using any iterated cryptographic hash function in combination with a secret shared key.

Jacksum supports the "Rocksoft (tm) Model CRC Algorithm" to describe CRCs, so additional 1.0399*10^267 customized CRCs can be used.

User Interfaces

Jacksum provides a Command Line Interface (CLI), an Application Programming Interface (API). A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is provided by HashGarten which is a subproject of the Jacksum project. Also, there are File Browser Integrations (FBI) available.



Command Line Interface (CLI)

If you are a skilled command line user you will benefit from the power on the command line and you can use Jacksum in scripts, cronjobs, etc. in order to automate file integration/verification tasks for example.

Jacksum on Ubuntu, CLI examples

See also the manual of Jacksum.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

If you prefer a GUI and you just would like to calc and verify hashes with a graphical user interface, I recommend to download and use the Jacksum File Browser Integration (FBI) installer which comes with HashGarten that is a GUI for Jacksum. HashGarten also runs standalone and it supports Drag and Drop.

File Browser Integration (FBI)

The File Browser Integration (FBI) installer can integrate both Jacksum and HashGarten into your preferred file browser, such as Finder on macOS, Windows File Explorer on Microsoft Windows, and Caja, Dolphin, elementary Files, GNOME Nautilus, Konqueror, Krusader, muCommander, Nemo, ROX-Filter, SpaceFM, Thunar, Xfe, or zzzFM on GNU/Linux. See also Integrations.


Calculate and represent hash values

A hash function H maps a bit string m ∈ {0, 1}* of arbitrary length to a bit string h ∈ {0, 1}n of fixed length n ∈ ℕ:

h = H(m)

m is often called the message or data, and dependent on the design, and security strength of the hash function H, h is called the checksum, CRC, hash, hash value, message digest, data's fingerprint, or data's thumbprint.

Calculating hash values is usually the first step you take to be able to check data integrity at all later on. Jacksum supports not only hundreds of different algorithms for calculating hash values, it also supports many predefined styles and comprehensive formatting features to get the format you need.

Example 1: Default style (is dependent on the algorithm)

$ jacksum -a sha3-256 ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso
c5e46426a3ca0ae848d297747ed3846452cc7b33d5b418af961dbd55de8dff43 ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso

Example 2: GNU/Linux style

$ jacksum -a sha3-256 --style linux ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso
c5e46426a3ca0ae848d297747ed3846452cc7b33d5b418af961dbd55de8dff43 *ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso

Example 3: BSD style

$ jacksum -a sha3-256 --style bsd ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso
SHA3-256 (ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso) = c5e46426a3ca0ae848d297747ed3846452cc7b33d5b418af961dbd55de8dff43

Example 4: OpenSSL style

$ jacksum -a sha3-256 --style openssl ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso
SHA3-256(ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso)= c5e46426a3ca0ae848d297747ed3846452cc7b33d5b418af961dbd55de8dff43

Example 5: Solaris digest style

$ jacksum -a sha3-256 --style solaris-digest ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso
(ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso) = c5e46426a3ca0ae848d297747ed3846452cc7b33d5b418af961dbd55de8dff43

Example 6: Customized output, including customized algorithm selection (crc32c, sha-256, and sha3-256), customized hash value encoding (base64, nopadding), and algorithm names in uppercase for all files in the current directory (and below), each hash on a separate line:

$ jacksum -a crc32c+sha-256+sha3-256 -F "#ALGONAME{i,uppercase} (#FILENAME) = #HASH{i,base64-nopadding}" .
CRC32C (./kali-linux-2023.1-installer-amd64.iso) = dUWxuQ
SHA-256 (./kali-linux-2023.1-installer-amd64.iso) = RuBXOaILKdtgyh//LpBoXqYyBxwxSpwkFtfEas7ye/A
SHA3-256 (./kali-linux-2023.1-installer-amd64.iso) = ffPkMr8uVPCO5GIHm8YpAbmaOVeBMaxvdLPI/N4NkbE

CRC32C (./ubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso) = hIXQsw
SHA-256 (./ubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso) = uY2slAqCsRDmJlynjRMg8fcQOGHpIqoaVOQgJobpu9M
SHA3-256 (./ubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso) = bvOhwtwckCQuzgm4LLEJoqPbjcbWSRSuNUOcyY4/1L0

Example 7: Customized output like above, but encoded hash values are separated by comma

$ jacksum -a crc32c+sha-256+sha3-256 -F "#ALGONAMES{uppercase} (#FILENAME) = #HASHES{base64-nopadding}" .
CRC32C,SHA-256,SHA3-256 (./kali-linux-2023.1-installer-amd64.iso) = dUWxuQ,RuBXOaILKdtgyh//LpBoXqYyBxwxSpwkFtfEas7ye/A,ffPkMr8uVPCO5GIHm8YpAbmaOVeBMaxvdLPI/N4NkbE
CRC32C,SHA-256,SHA3-256 (./ubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso) = hIXQsw,uY2slAqCsRDmJlynjRMg8fcQOGHpIqoaVOQgJobpu9M,bvOhwtwckCQuzgm4LLEJoqPbjcbWSRSuNUOcyY4/1L0

Example 8: Customized output like above, but one hash only (encoded by base64-nopadding)

$ jacksum -a crc32c+sha-256+sha3-256 -F "#ALGONAMES{uppercase} (#FILENAME) = #HASH{base64-nopadding}" .
CRC32C,SHA-256,SHA3-256 (./kali-linux-2023.1-installer-amd64.iso) = dUWxuUbgVzmiCynbYMof/y6QaF6mMgccMUqcJBbXxGrO8nvwffPkMr8uVPCO5GIHm8YpAbmaOVeBMaxvdLPI/N4NkbE
CRC32C,SHA-256,SHA3-256 (./ubuntu-22.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso) = hIXQs7mNrJQKgrEQ5iZcp40TIPH3EDhh6SKqGlTkICaG6bvTbvOhwtwckCQuzgm4LLEJoqPbjcbWSRSuNUOcyY4/1L0

Example 9: Customized output in hashdeep format (filesize,hash1,...,hashN,filename) with modern algorithms

$ jacksum -a crc32c+sha-256+sha3-256 -F "#FILESIZE,#HASHES{hex},#FILENAME" .

Customize CRCs

6 parameters

Jacksum supports the quasi standard called "Rocksoft (tm) Model CRC Algorithm" to customize CRCs by setting 6 parameters.

Example 1: get the Castagnoli CRC-32 in lower hex

$ jacksum -a crc:32,1EDC6F41,FFFFFFFF,true,true,FFFFFFFF -x -q txt:123456789
e3069283 9

Example 2: as above by using an alias

$ jacksum -a crc32c -x -q txt:123456789
e3069283 9

7 parameters

An extended model with 7 CRC parameters is also supported in order to define CRCs that incorporate the length of the message. If the 7th parameter is set to true, the most significant octet of the length will be processed first to the update method of the CRC. If it is set to false, the least significant octet of the length will be processed first to the update method of the CRC.

Example 1: get the POSIX 1003.2 CRC algorithm

$ jacksum -a crc:32,04C11DB7,0,false,false,FFFFFFFF,false -x -q txt:123456789
377a6011 9

Example 2: as above by using an alias

$ jacksum -a cksum -x -q txt:123456789
377a6011 9

8 parameters

An extended model with 8 CRC parameters is also supported in order to define CRCs that incorporate the length of the message, and to XOR the length of the value before it gets included to the CRC.

Example 1: get the output of the sum command from Plan 9:

$ jacksum -a crc:32,04C11DB7,0,true,true,0,true,CC55CC55 -x -q txt:123456789
afcbb09a 9

Example 2: as above by using an alias

$ jacksum -a sum_plan9 -x -q txt:123456789
afcbb09a 9

Investigate CRC parameters

CRC parameters can be investigated by the CRC algorithm, and setting the --info option. It returns the polynomial value as a polynomial in math expression, normal, reversed, and Koopman representation, and the reciprocal poly. Example for the Castagnoli CRC-32:

$ jacksum -a crc32c --info

or by specifying all of the CRC's parameters explicitly:

$ jacksum -a crc:32,1EDC6F41,FFFFFFFF,true,true,FFFFFFFF --info
Result ...
    name:                                 crc32c

  hash length:
    bits:                                 32
    bytes:                                4
    nibbles:                              8

  CRC parameters:
    width (in bits):                      32
    polynomial [hex]:                     1edc6f41
    init [hex]:                           ffffffff
    refIn:                                true
    refOut:                               true
    xorOut [hex]:                         ffffffff

  Polynomial representations:
    mathematical:                         x^32 + x^28 + x^27 + x^26 + x^25 + x^23 + x^22 + x^20 + x^19 + x^18 + x^14 + x^13 + x^11 + x^10 + x^9 + x^8 + x^6 + 1
    normal/MSB first [binary]:            00011110110111000110111101000001
    normal/MSB first [hex]:               1edc6f41
    reversed/LSB first [binary]:          10000010111101100011101101111000
    reversed/LSB first [hex]:             82f63b78
    Koopman [binary]:                     10001111011011100011011110100000
    Koopman [hex]:                        8f6e37a0

  Reciprocal poly (similar error detection strength):
    mathematical:                         x^32 + x^26 + x^24 + x^23 + x^22 + x^21 + x^19 + x^18 + x^14 + x^13 + x^12 + x^10 + x^9 + x^7 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + 1
    normal [binary]:                      00000101111011000111011011110001
    normal [hex]:                         5ec76f1

    relative rank:                        11/477

  alternative/secondary implementation:
    has been requested:                   false
    is available and would be used:       false

Quick file integrity verification for one file only

From the ubuntu website we know the SHA256 hash value for the file called ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso. We expect that the file is the one that we have downloaded.

by option -c/--check-file

We can pass the known hash value of the file by using a pipe, and telling Jacksum to check from standard input (option -c or --check-file):

$ echo c396e956a9f52c418397867d1ea5c0cf1a99a49dcf648b086d2fb762330cc88d *ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso | jacksum -a sha256 -c -
   OK  ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso

by option --check-line

Be aware that the echo command does not behave the same on all platforms. To go the platform independent way you can also pass the known hash value of the file by using the option --check-line. You do not need to specify option --style linux, because the default style understands the Linux hash value format.

$ jacksum -a sha256 --check-line "c396e956a9f52c418397867d1ea5c0cf1a99a49dcf648b086d2fb762330cc88d *ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso"
    OK  ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso

Here is an example of the hash/file record in the BSD style:

jacksum -a sha256 --style bsd --check-line "SHA-256 (ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso) = c396e956a9f52c418397867d1ea5c0cf1a99a49dcf648b086d2fb762330cc88d" --verbose noinfo,nosummary
    OK  ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso

by option -e

You can also pass the known hash value of the file to option -e (expectation).

$ jacksum -a sha256 -e c396e956a9f52c418397867d1ea5c0cf1a99a49dcf648b086d2fb762330cc88d ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso
    MATCH  ubuntu-22.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso (c396e956a9f52c418397867d1ea5c0cf1a99a49dcf648b086d2fb762330cc88d)
Jacksum: Expectation met.

If you pass multiple files/directories as program arguments, Jacksum will find all files that match the expected hash value.

Verify data integrity

Data integrity ensures that data items have not been changed, destroyed, or lost in an unauthorized or accidental manner since they were created, transmitted, or stored.

As being a file/data integrity software Jacksum can generate, store, and compare hash values to detect changes made to files. Actually it can detect matching, non-matching, missing, and new files.


$ jacksum -a sha3-256 -c file.hashes .
Result ...
Jacksum: Error: ./drei: does not exist.
  MISSING  ./drei
      NEW  ./file.hashes
      NEW  ./fünf
   FAILED  ./eins
       OK  ./zwei
       OK  ./vier

Jacksum: total lines in check file: 4
Jacksum: improperly formatted lines in check file: 0
Jacksum: properly formatted lines in check file: 4
Jacksum: ignored lines (empty lines and comments): 0
Jacksum: correctness of check file: 100.00 %

Jacksum: matches (OK): 2
Jacksum: mismatches (FAILED): 1
Jacksum: new files (NEW): 2
Jacksum: missing files (MISSING): 1

Jacksum: total files read: 3
Jacksum: total bytes read: 12
Jacksum: total bytes read (human readable): 12 bytes
Jacksum: total file read errors: 1

Jacksum: elapsed time: 151 ms

Find files by their hashes

by a single hash value

If you know the hash value of a file, you can search for the file even if you don't know the file name. Let's search for the Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin whitepaper on macOS by specifying the expected (-e) 9sha256 hash (-a sha256) in hex encoding (-x), and traversing the folder tree recursively (default) starting from the current working directory (.):

$ jacksum -a sha256 -x -e b1674191a88ec5cdd733e4240a81803105dc412d6c6708d53ab94fc248f4f553 --threads-reading max .
Result ...
    MATCH  /System/Library/Image Capture/Devices/ (b1674191a88ec5cdd733e4240a81803105dc412d6c6708d53ab94fc248f4f553)

Jacksum: Expectation met.
Jacksum: 1 of the successfully read files matches the expected hash value.

by a precalculated hash list

Jacksum also helps you to find all files that match any of the hashes in a given set of known hash values. Both positive and negative matching is supported. Let's search for all vulnerable log4j libs:

$ jacksum --wanted-list log4j.hashes --style linux --threads-reading max --verbose summary /
Result ...
    MATCH  /opt/serverapp/log4j.jar (log4j-core-2.12.0.jar)

Jacksum: total lines in check file: 42
Jacksum: improperly formatted lines in check file: 0
Jacksum: properly formatted lines in check file: 33
Jacksum: ignored lines (empty lines and comments): 9
Jacksum: correctness of check file: 100.00 %

Jacksum: files read successfully: 252299
Jacksum: files read with errors: 0
Jacksum: total bytes read: 117670015750
Jacksum: total bytes read (human readable): 109 GiB, 602 MiB, 892 KiB, 774 bytes
Jacksum: files matching wanted hashes: 1
Jacksum: files not matching wanted hashes: 252266

Jacksum: elapsed time: 8 min, 38 s, 215 ms

See also CVE-2021-44832: Find vulnerable .jar files using Jacksum

Find all duplicates of a file using a hash value

Jacksum also helps you find all duplicates of a file.

$ jacksum -e c5e46426a3ca0ae848d297747ed3846452cc7b33d5b418af961dbd55de8dff43 .
c5e46426a3ca0ae848d297747ed3846452cc7b33d5b418af961dbd55de8dff43 .\ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso
c5e46426a3ca0ae848d297747ed3846452cc7b33d5b418af961dbd55de8dff43 .\ubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64 (1).iso

Find the algorithm that had generated a hash value

Since Jacksum supports so many algorithms, Jacksum also helps you to find the algorithm to a checksum/CRC/hash by calling a fast and smart brute force algorithm if the hash is unknown, but the data is known.

$ jacksum -a unknown:16 -q hex:050000 -E hex -e d893
Result ...
Trying 13 algorithms with a width of 16 bits that are supported by Jacksum 3.0.0 ...

Trying 30 CRC algorithms with a width of 16 bits by testing against well known CRCs ...
    --> CRC-16/GENIBUS

Trying all CRC algorithms with a width of 16 bits by brute force (be patient!) ...

Jacksum: algorithms tested: 1048620
Jacksum: algorithms found: 21

Jacksum: elapsed time: 6 s, 460 ms

Means Jacksum has tested more than one million algorithms in about 7 seconds and it found 21 matching algorithms. Each of those returns the same CRC value. Test with more input/output sequences and/or longer input sequences in order to find the right algorithm. The most likely algorithm is printed with a name if it is a well known CRC. In this example it has been identified as the CRC-16/GENIBUS.

Once you have identified the correct algorithm, you can calculate your own input data using the CRC definitions that have been found.

jacksum -a crc:16,1021,FFFF,false,false,FFFF -E hex -q txt:"Hello World"

Jacksum hacks (unexpected free gifts)

Jacksum's primary purpose is to deal with hashes. However, since Jacksum supports both many encodings and customized formatting you get additional features which can be quite useful sometimes. For all examples below we set "-a none", because we are not interested in hashing at all.

Hex dump of a file

$ jacksum -a none -q file:myfile.dat -F "#SEQUENCE" -E hex -g 1
4a 61 63 6b 73 75 6d

String to hex

$ jacksum -a none -q txtf:"hello world\n" -F "#SEQUENCE{hex}"

Hex string to base64

$ jacksum -a none -q hex:68656c6c6f20776f726c64 -F "#SEQUENCE{base64}"

Integer to a binary sequence

$ jacksum -a none -q dec:42 -F "#SEQUENCE{bin}"

Hex string to octal

$ jacksum -a none -q hex:7A -F "#SEQUENCE{oct}"

Hex string to bin, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal

$ jacksum -a none -q hex:CAFE -F "bin: #SEQUENCE{bin}, dec: #SEQUENCE{dec}, oct: 0#SEQUENCE{oct}, hex:#SEQUENCE{hexup}"
bin: 1100101011111110, dec: 51966, oct: 0145376, hex:CAFE

Hex string to bin, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal in JSON

$ jacksum -a none -q hex:CAFE -F '{ "bin": "#SEQUENCE{bin}", "dec": "#SEQUENCE{dec}", "oct": "0#SEQUENCE{oct}", "hex": "0x#SEQUENCE{hexup}" }'
{ "bin": "1100101011111110", "dec": "51966", "oct": "0145376", "hex": "CAFE" }

encode hex string to base64

$ jacksum -a none -q hex:C0DECAFE -F "#SEQUENCE{base64}"

encode file content to base64

$ jacksum -a none -q file:myfile.dat -F "#SEQUENCE{base64}

decode base64

$ jacksum -a none -q base64:wN7K/g== -F "#SEQUENCE{hex-uppercase}"

encode Z85

$ jacksum -a none -q hex:C0DECAFE -F "#SEQUENCE{z85}"

decode Z85

$ jacksum -a none -q "z85:Z#0lk" -F "#SEQUENCE{hex}"

Count characters

$ jacksum -a none -q txt:"Hello World" -F "#LENGTH"


You get the idea ;-)

More examples

$ jacksum -h examples

See also the EXAMPLES section of the manpage, and the Cheat Sheet in the Wiki.

More Features

Jacksum traverses file trees recursively with a depth limit.

Jacksum supports multi-threading on multi-processor and multi-core computer systems. Jacksum can compute multiple hashes simultaneously, and it can read/process multiple files simultaneously on SSDs.

The user can control the number of threads for multi-threading tasks.

Input data can come from almost any source: files, disks, partitions, standard input stream (stdin), and/or provided directly by command line arguments. Also platform specific input such as NTFS Alternate Data Streams (ADS) on Microsoft Windows, and block devices, character devices, named pipes (FIFOs), and sockets (Unix-like OS only), and doors (Solaris only) are supported and can be hashed.

Output can occur in predefined standard formats (BSD-, GNU/Linux-, or Solaris style, SFV or FCIV) or in a user-defined format which is highly customizable, including many encodings for representing hash values: Hex (lower- and uppercase), Base16, Base32 (with and without padding), Base32hex (with and without padding), Base64 (with and without padding), Base64url (with and without padding), BubbleBabble, and z-base-32.

GNU filename escaping is supported.

Paths can be omitted, printed absolutely or relative to a different path.

Jacksum supports many charsets for reading and writing hash files properly, and it comes with full support for all common Unicode aware charsets such as UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE, and GB18030. A Byte-Order Mark (BOM) is supported for both input and output, even if a BOM is optional for the selected charset.

For more details, see also the comprehensive list of features.

Where to download?

The latest released .jar file can be found at The .zip file also contains simple scripts to call Jacksum on Windows, Linux, and macOS from the command line.

How to install and configure it

Download the .jar (or .zip) file as described above, open a terminal (on Microsoft Windows, it is known as the "Command Prompt") and start Jacksum by typing

java -jar jacksum-3.4.0.jar

I recommend to adjust the Windows batch file (jacksum.bat) resp. the bash script (jacksum) for GNU/Linux and Unix operating systems (e.g. macOS) and to put the script to a folder that is reachable by your PATH environment variable in order to launch jacksum easily just by typing

Details ...

The following snippet could help you to setup Jacksum on GNU/Linux. In the example below, the launch script will be stored in $HOME/bin/ which will also be added to your PATH. The jar file will be stored to /opt/java/apps/jacksum/ so other users on the computer have access to it as well.

$ echo 'export PATH="$PATH=$HOME/bin"' >> $HOME/.profile
$ export VERSION=3.4.0
$ unzip jacksum-$
$ cp jacksum-$VERSION/unix/jacksum ~/bin && chmod +x ~/bin/jacksum
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/java/apps/jacksum && cp jacksum-$VERSION/jacksum-$VERSION.jar /opt/java/apps/jacksum/
$ rm -R jacksum-$VERSION/




  • Release Notes - since 2002!
  • The first release of Jacksum was published in July 2002 on
  • I made a pause in Jacksum development beteween 2007 and 2020
  • Jacksum is actively developed again
  • In September 2021 I moved the repo to GitHub


I appreciate feedback from users, bug hunters, and fresh ideas from open minded people. Feel free and file support requests, change requests, bug reports and feature requests on GitHub

Spread the word, or give a star here on GitHub.


Jacksum implements a lot of algorithms, but it doesn't reinvent the wheel if an algorithm is available already in another mature crypto library. So Jacksum relies on Bouncy Castle, java-crc, GNU Crypto (abandoned), Flexiprovider (abandoned), and Projet RNRT SAPHIR (abandoned). Libraries that have been abandoned are now supported by Jacksum (the hash part only). The Jacksum manpage clearly points out the origin for each algorithm. Any algorithm that is accepted by the Jacksum project will benefit from the framework that applies to all algorithms. For more information on that subject please type jacksum --copyrightor go to the copyright page.


The license that the project is offered under is the GPL-3.0+.


A hash utility, est. 2002, FLOSS. 489 hash functions, HMAC support, cross platform, feature-rich, multi threaded. CLI and API. Recursive hashing, predefined and customizable formats, verify data integrity and find ok/failed/missing/new files, find files by their hashes, find the hash function to a hash. GUI provided by HashGarten.




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