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446 lines (293 loc) · 19.2 KB

File metadata and controls

446 lines (293 loc) · 19.2 KB

LSP4J Change Log

v0.22.0 (TBD)

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

Nightly japicmp report:

  • Implemented DAP version 1.60.0
  • LSP4J's implementation of JSON-RPC 2.0 specification has been fixed regarding de-structure the outermost array wrapper if it's a single array parameter.
    • See #553 for detailed discussion.
  • xbase's @Pure and ToStringBuilder is no longer used by LSP4J
    • See #494 for detailed discussion.

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • LSP4J now requires Java 11 to build and run. This can be observed in the japicmp report which says class file format version changed from 52.0 to 55.0. eclipse-lsp4j#547.

japicmp report:

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

japicmp report:

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

japicmp report:

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

japicmp report:

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Removed WorkspaceDocumentDiagnosticReportTypeAdapter, which was effectively replaced with WorkspaceDocumentDiagnosticReportListAdapter as part of fixing issue eclipse-lsp4j#682.

japicmp report:

  • Fixed issues related to reflection errors so that --add-opens java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED is no longer needed on Java 17.

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • None.

japicmp report:

  • Update org.eclipse.xtend.lib dependency to 2.28.0 to address CVE-2020-8908 #672

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • None.

japicmp report:

  • Implemented DAP version 1.58.0

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • None.

japicmp report:

  • Added Notebook support
  • Added
  • Added support for client default behavior on renames
  • Implemented DAP version 1.56.0

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Return type of textDocument/prepareRename changed from Either<Range, PrepareRenameResult> to Either3<Range, PrepareRenameResult, PrepareRenameDefaultBehavior>
  • Class SemanticTokensWithRegistrationOptions now extends AbstractTextDocumentRegistrationAndWorkDoneProgressOptions instead of AbstractWorkDoneProgressOptions
  • Removed unspecified deprecated properties InitializeParams.clientName DidOpenTextDocumentParams.text, DidChangeTextDocumentParams.uri, TextDocumentPositionParams.uri

japicmp report:

  • Added changes to the LSP 3.17 specification that were added after specification was published as done.
    • See #630 for all changes.

Fixed issues:

japicmp report:

  • Implemented LSP version 3.17.0 (except Notebook support)
  • Implemented DAP versions 1.45.0 - 1.55.0

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Method LanguageClient.setTrace moved to LanguageServer, where it should have been according to the specification
  • Method IDebugProtocolServer.runInTerminal moved to IDebugProtocolClient, where it should have been according to the specification
  • Removed as it was already deprecated and never specified for StaticRegistrationOptions
  • Removed SemanticTokenTypes.Member as it was already deprecated and not specified
  • Removed TraceValue.Message as it was already deprecated and not specified
  • Changed TraceValue to be final matching similar classes
  • Removed duplicate ResponseErrorCode as it has been deprecated for several versions
  • Removed ResponseErrorCode.serverErrorStart and ResponseErrorCode.serverErrorEnd as they were already deprecated and just boundaries not actual error codes
  • Return type of workspace/symbol changed from List<? extends SymbolInformation> to Either<List<? extends SymbolInformation>, List<? extends WorkspaceSymbol>>
  • Type of FileSystemWatcher.globPattern changed from String to Either<String, RelativePattern>
  • In DAP, return type of IDebugProtocolServer.setExceptionBreakpoints changed from Void to SetExceptionBreakpointsResponse

Breaking Beta API changes:

  • Significant updates were made to the TypeHierarchy features to replace the non-standard implementation
  • Removed WorkspaceEdit.resourceChanges, WorkspaceEditCapabilities.resourceChanges, and ResourceChange as they have been deprecated for numerous versions and are not specified

Deprecated API changes:

  • SymbolInformation is deprecated in favor of DocumentSymbol or WorkspaceSymbol
  • ResponseErrorCode.serverNotInitialized deprecated in favor of ResponseErrorCode.ServerNotInitialized
  • Restored org.eclipse.lsp4j.websocket which will be included along with org.eclipse.lsp4j.websocket.jakarta. This will allow use of LSP4J over Jakarta websockets and pre-Jakarta websockets. See eclipse-lsp4j#536 for more details.

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Type of CodeLensOptions.resolveProvider changed from boolean to Boolean

Breaking changes in behavior:

  • In case a type argument for Either is declared as Object, EitherTypeAdapter now uses JsonElementTypeAdapter for parsing/serializing the corresponding value. Notably, this can affect parsing of properties SemanticTokensClientCapabilitiesRequests.range and SemanticTokensWithRegistrationOptions.range; their right-hand side, declared as Object, will be parsed into a JsonElement now.
  • Implemented LSP version 3.16.0 (to finalized specification)
  • Implemented LSP version 3.15.0's Progress specification
  • Implemented DAP version 1.43.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.44.0
  • Replaced org.eclipse.lsp4j.websocket by org.eclipse.lsp4j.websocket.jakarta for using LSP4J over Jakarta websockets

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Coloring and Semantic Highlighting APIs are removed
  • Changed some types from Number to Integer
  • Type of CompletionItem.textEdit changed from TextEdit to Either<TextEdit, InsertReplaceEdit>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.hoverProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, HoverOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.definitionProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, DefinitionOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.typeDefinitionProvider changed from Either<Boolean, StaticRegistrationOptions> to Either<Boolean, TypeDefinitionRegistrationOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.implementationProvider changed from Either<Boolean, StaticRegistrationOptions> to Either<Boolean, ImplementationRegistrationOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.referencesProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, ReferenceOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.documentHighlightProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, DocumentHighlightOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.documentSymbolProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, DocumentSymbolOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.workspaceSymbolProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, WorkspaceSymbolOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.documentFormattingProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, DocumentFormattingOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.documentRangeFormattingProvider changed from Boolean to Either<Boolean, DocumentRangeFormattingOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.declarationProvider changed from Either<Boolean, StaticRegistrationOptions> to Either<Boolean, DeclarationRegistrationOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.callHierarchyProvider changed from Either<Boolean, StaticRegistrationOptions> to Either<Boolean, CallHierarchyRegistrationOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.selectionRangeProvider changed from Either<Boolean, StaticRegistrationOptions> to Either<Boolean, SelectionRangeRegistrationOptions>
  • Type of ServerCapabilities.linkedEditingRangeProvider changed from Either<Boolean, StaticRegistrationOptions> to Either<Boolean, LinkedEditingRangeRegistrationOptions>
  • Type of ProgressParams.value changed from WorkDoneProgressNotification to Either<WorkDoneProgressNotification, Object>

Deprecated API changes:

  • In DAP, VariablePresentationHintKind.DATA_BREAKPOINT has been marked @Deprecated to match its deprecation in the protocol in 1.44.
  • In DAP, SetBreakpointsArguments.lines has been marked @Deprecated to match its deprecation in protocol many versions ago.
  • Implemented LSP version 3.16.0 (specification is not finalized yet)
  • Implemented DAP version 1.37.0's CancelRequest
  • Implemented DAP version 1.38.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.39.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.40.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.41.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.42.0

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • In DAP, ReadMemoryArguments.count was Integer however it is a required property and has been changed to int
  • In DAP, has been marked @NonNull as id is a required property.
  • In DAP, Scope.presentationHint was an enum ScopePresentationHint, it is now a String as presentationHint has possible values that include - but not limited to those defined in ScopePresentationHint. ScopePresentationHint has changed from an enum to an interface containing String constants.
  • In DAP, SetBreakpointsArguments.lines was changed from Integer[] to int[] as the individual items in the array are not optional, but the array as a whole is optional.
  • In DAP, TerminateThreadsArguments.threadIds was changed from Integer[] to int[] as the individual items in the array are not optional, but the array as a whole is optional.

Deprecated API changes:

  • Semantic Highlighting is deprecated in favor of Semantic Tokens
  • Implemented DAP version 1.36.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.37.0 (except CancelRequest)
  • Implemented LSP version 3.15.0 (except Progress)
  • Improved compatibility with prior versions of vscode-languageclient (eclipse-lsp4j#407)

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • In DebugProtocol fields which were @NonNull Long are now int as they are required. This brings the DAP implementation in LSP4J in line with the LSP implementation under the same conditions.

  • In DebugProtocol fields which were @NonNull Boolean are now boolean as they are required. This brings the DAP implementation in LSP4J in line with the LSP implementation under the same conditions.

  • In DebugProtocol fields which used to be defined as Long are now Integer. This is due to changes in DAP 1.36 and clarification sought from microsoft/debug-adapter-protocol#90

  • The DebugProtocol's EvaluateResponse's field memoryReference was previously incorrectly declared as Long, it is now correctly declared as String

  • CodeActionKindCapabilities.valueSet marked with @NonNull

  • Parameters for the following requests have been changed from TextDocumentPositionParams

    • textDocument/signatureHelp changed to SignatureHelpParams
    • textDocument/hover changed to HoverParams
    • textDocument/declaration changed to DeclarationParams
    • textDocument/definition changed to DefinitionParams
    • textDocument/typeDefinition changed to TypeDefinitionParams
    • textDocument/implementation changed to ImplementationParams
    • textDocument/documentHighlight changed to DocumentHighlightParams
    • textDocument/prepareRename changed to PrepareRenameParams
  • The LSP's Protocol Diagnostic field code was previously incorrectly declared as String, it is now correctly declared as Either<String, Number>

v0.8.1 (Sep. 2019)

Fixed issues:

v0.8.0 (Aug. 2019)

  • Implemented DAP version 1.35.0
  • Added new module org.eclipse.lsp4j.websocket for using LSP4J over websockets

Fixed issues:

v0.7.2 (May 2019)

  • Updated textDocument/callHierarchy according to latest proposal (note: changes to classes and methods marked with @Beta are not regarded as API-breaking).

Fixed issues:

v0.7.1 (Apr. 2019)

Fixed issues:

v0.7.0 (Feb. 2019)

  • Implemented LSP version 3.14.0
  • Support tuple of two types with the Tuple.Two class

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Return type of textDocument/definition, textDocument/typeDefinition and textDocument/implementation changed from List<? extends Location> to Either<List<? extends Location>, List<? extends LocationLink>>
  • Type of ParameterInformation.label changed from String to Either<String, Tuple.Two<Integer, Integer>>
  • Setters and constructors of protocol classes throw IllegalArgumentException if given null for properties marked with @NonNull

v0.6.0 (Nov. 2018)

  • Implemented LSP version 3.13.0

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Type of WorkspaceEdit.documentChanges changed from List<TextDocumentEdit> to List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>>

v0.5.0 (Sep. 2018)

  • Updated primary license to EPL v2.0 (the secondary license EDL v1.0 remains)
  • Implemented LSP version 3.10.0
  • Implemented DAP version 1.31.0

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Return type of textDocument/documentSymbol changed from List<? extends SymbolInformation> to List<Either<SymbolInformation, DocumentSymbol>>
  • Return type of textDocument/codeAction changed from List<? extends Command> to List<Either<Command, CodeAction>>

v0.4.1 (May 2018)

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Type of ServerCapabilities.colorProvider changed from ColorProviderOptions to Either<Boolean, ColorProviderOptions>
  • Renamed ColorPresentationParams.colorInfo property to color

v0.4.0 (Apr. 2018)

  • Implemented the VS Code Debug Protocol
  • Implemented LSP version 3.7.0
  • Support multiple local and remote services
  • Improved error handling

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Parameter of completion requests changed from TextDocumentPositionParams to CompletionParams (this change breaks all LanguageServer implementations, but the migration is trivial)
  • Type of CompletionItem.documentation, ParameterInformation.documentation and SignatureInformation.documentation changed from String to Either<String, MarkupContent>
  • Type of Hover.contents changed from List<Either<String, MarkedString>> to Either<List<Either<String, MarkedString>>, MarkupContent>
  • All protocol properties with type Object are parsed to JsonElement (previously Map for objects and List for arrays)
  • Corrected DocumentFilter.schema property name to scheme
  • Removed DocumentSelector interface
  • VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.version changed from type int to Integer, thus can be null now.

v0.3.1 (Apr. 2018)

Fixed issues:

v0.3.0 (Sep. 2017)

  • Support union of three types with the Either3 class

Fixed issues:

v0.2.1 (Jul. 2017)

Fixed issues:

v0.2.0 (May 2017)

  • Implemented LSP version 3.0
  • Support union of two types with the Either class
  • Support multiple parameters in protocol methods
  • Support custom error codes

Fixed issues:

Breaking API changes:

  • Type of ServerCapabilities.textDocumentSync changed from TextDocumentSyncKind to Either<TextDocumentSyncKind, TextDocumentSyncOptions>
  • Type of Hover.contents changed from List<String> to List<Either<String, MarkedString>>

v0.1.2 (Mar. 2017)

Fixed issues:

v0.1.1 (Jan. 2017)

Fixed issues: