A simple bootstrap-progressbar directive for angularJS. Requires Bootstrap 3. The timer will count in seconds from 0 to to the maximum number of seconds given, and the progress bar will increase based on percentage progress of the timer towards that maximum value with a text inlay.
###Progress Bar Demo Screenshot###
Play around with the plunker : http://plnkr.co/HG2Ye9
- include "progressBar.js" script in your html
- add 'progress.bar' as a dependency in app.js
var app = angular.module('progressdemo', ['progress.bar']);
#####Using the directive#####
<ng-progressbar type="success" max="{{max_count}}" start="{{timer_running}}" on-stop="stopProgress()"></ng-progressbar>
- 'type' is the bootstrap alert class (info, warning, success, danger)
- 'max' is the maximum value that the timer will reach in seconds
$scope.max_count = 11;
- 'start' is a boolean attribute which must be set from the controller scope : e.g. :
$scope.timer_running = false;
- 'on-stop' is a callback function which will fire when the timer reaches the max.
- To stop the timer : The 'start' attribute is being observed, so in your controller, just set the relevant scope variable to false. Your callback function might look like this :
$scope.stopProgress = function() {
$scope.timer_running = false;
- To start the timer : The 'start' attribute is being observed, so in your controller, just set the relevant scope variable to true. e.g. :
$scope.startProgress = function() {
$scope.timer_running = true;