Sorry, This project is no longer maintained. Issues and enhancements will most likely not be addressed. Pull Requests are always welcome! Thank you
Inspired by and Replica of the MMM-ISS-Live module by Mykle1
Displays the Rain Viewer map of RainRadar instead of ISS live
A real time animated map showing real time movement of precipitations. This module also uses the US Government Weather API to get active weather alerts in a given US State. This API does not require any authentication as of this date 05/30/2019.
git clone
into the~/MagicMirror/modules
disabled: false,
module: 'MMM-RAIN-RADAR',
position: 'bottom_right',
config: {
useHeader: true, // true if you want a header
lat: "40.796850", // Latitude
lon: "-89.675960", // Longitude
area: 'IL', // US State
zoomLevel: 6,
mapType: 3, //0-Road Map 1-Satellite 2-Dark Map 3-OpenStreetMaps 4-Light Map
color: 3, //0-Original 1-Universal Blue 2-TITAN 3-The Weather Channel 5-NEXRAD Level-III 6-RAINBOW @ SELEX-SI
snow: 1,
smoothing: 1,
opacity: 88,
fastAnimation: 0,
coverage: 0,
darkTheme: 1,
UTCtime: 0,
legend: 1,
legendMin: 0, //set legend to 1 if you want legendMin to show
animate: 1,
updateOnWarning: 1, // 1: after updateInterval, weather warnings for your US states will be used to determine if module should be hidden. 0 module is perpertually displayed
updateInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, // number of milliseconds. change 5 to 60 and it will update each 10 minutes
config: {
zoomLevel: 6,
mapType: 3, //0-Road Map 1-Satellite 2-Dark Map 3-OpenStreetMaps 4-Light Map
color: 3, //0-Original 1-Universal Blue 2-TITAN 3-The Weather Channel 5-NEXRAD Level-III 6-RAINBOW @ SELEX-SI
snow: 1,
smoothing: 1,
opacity: 88,
fastAnimation: 0,
coverage: 0,
darkTheme: 1,
UTCtime: 0,
legend: 1,
legendMin: 0, //set legend to 1 if you want legendMin to show
animate: 1,
updateOnWarning: 1, // 1: after updateInterval, weather warnings for your US states will be used to determine if module should be hidden. 0 module is perpertually displayed
updateInterval: 5 * 60 * 1000, // number of milliseconds. change 5 to 60 and it will update each 10 minutes
Use US Weather warnings to hide/show radarDoneDirectly get lat and lon and set as defaultPlease Provide Lat and Lon- Provide a list of precipitation related warnings so that module is update accordignly
Special thanks to:
- jewelltp for coming up with the idea of the weather radar
- mykle1 for the rather easy and simple to follow code for the MMM-ISS-Live module
- Oleksii Schastlyvyi for providing an easily embeddable precipitation radar
- All contributors