Clone the repository
wget "" -O "Wav2Lip/face_detection/detection/sfd/s3fd.pth"
Create a virtual env using conda with python version==3.6
pip install torch===1.1.0 -f
These are required for running Wav2lip
Replace upload_dir with the path to the directory you want to use for uploading files
Download the weights from weights and paste in the server directory
Modify the checkpoint_path
Modify the command = f'cd /app/Wav2Lip && python --checkpoint_path "{checkpoint_path}" --face "{videof_path}" --audio "{audiof_path}"' with the correct path to Wav2Lip
The result will be stored at Wav2Lip/results/result_voice.mp4', so need to update res_path with the correct path. To start the server RUN ### uvicorn main:app --reload
To start the app