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ElastAlert 2 Alerts support status

Naoyuki Sano edited this page Jan 4, 2025 · 75 revisions


Support 1.8.0~

name UI Remark
alerta_api_url 〇
alerta_api_key 〇
alerta_timeout β—‹(1.8.12~)
alerta_use_match_timestamp β—‹(1.8.12~)
alerta_use_qk_as_resource β—‹(1.8.12~)
alerta_api_skip_ssl β—‹(1.8.12~)
alerta_severity 〇
alerta_resource 〇
alerta_environment 〇(1.8.1~)
alerta_origin β—‹(1.8.12~)
alerta_service β—‹(1.8.12~)
alerta_text 〇
alerta_type β—‹(1.8.12~)
alerta_event 〇
alerta_correlate β—‹(1.8.12~)
alerta_tags 〇
alerta_group 〇
alerta_attributes_keys β—‹(1.8.12~)
alerta_attributes_values β—‹(1.8.12~)
alerta_value β—‹(1.8.12~)


Support 1.8.11~

name UI Remark
alertmanager_api_version βœ– BaseRule.config
alertmanager_hosts βœ– BaseRule.config
alertmanager_labels βœ– BaseRule.config
alertmanager_annotations βœ– BaseRule.config
alertmanager_fields βœ– BaseRule.config
alertmanager_alert_subject_labelname 〇
alertmanager_alert_text_labelname 〇
alertmanager_proxy 〇
alertmanager_ca_certs β–³ Path to CA certificate bundle or directory is not supported
alertmanager_ignore_ssl_errors 〇
alertmanager_timeout 〇
alertmanager_basic_auth_login 〇
alertmanager_basic_auth_password 〇
alertmanager_resolve_time βœ– BaseRule.config

AWS SES (Amazon Simple Email Service)

Support 1.8.7~

name UI Remark
ses_email 〇
ses_from_addr 〇
ses_aws_access_key 〇
ses_aws_secret_key 〇
ses_aws_region 〇
ses_aws_profile 〇
ses_email_reply_to 〇
ses_cc 〇
ses_bcc 〇
ses_email_from_field 〇
ses_email_add_domain 〇

AWS SNS (Amazon Simple Notification Service)

Support 1.2.0~

name UI Remark
sns_topic_arn 〇
sns_aws_profile 〇
sns_aws_access_key_id 〇
sns_aws_secret_access_key 〇
sns_aws_region 〇


Support 1.6.0~

name UI Remark
chatwork_apikey 〇
chatwork_room_id 〇
chatwork_proxy 〇(1.8.11~)
chatwork_proxy_login 〇(1.8.11~)
chatwork_proxy_pass 〇(1.8.11~)


Support 1.1.0~

name UI Remark
command 〇
pipe_match_json 〇(1.8.5~)
pipe_alert_text 〇(1.8.5~)
fail_on_non_zero_exit 〇(1.8.11~)


Support 1.8.6~

name UI Remark
datadog_api_key 〇
datadog_app_key 〇


Not Support


Support 1.8.11~

name UI Remark
dingtalk_access_token 〇
dingtalk_msgtype 〇
dingtalk_proxy 〇
dingtalk_proxy_login 〇
dingtalk_proxy_pass 〇
dingtalk_single_title 〇
dingtalk_single_url 〇
dingtalk_btn_orientation 〇
dingtalk_btns βœ– BaseRule.config
dingtalk_sign 〇(1.8.20~)


Support 1.6.0~

name UI Remark
discord_webhook_url 〇
discord_emoji_title 〇
discord_proxy 〇(1.8.11~)
discord_proxy_login 〇(1.8.11~)
discord_proxy_password 〇(1.8.11~)
discord_embed_color βœ– BaseRule.config
discord_embed_footer 〇
discord_embed_icon_url 〇


name UI Remark
email 〇
smtp_host 〇(1.8.5~)
smtp_ssl 〇(1.8.5~)
from_addr 〇
smtp_auth_file 〇(1.8.5~)
smtp_key_file 〇(1.8.5~)
smtp_cert_file 〇(1.8.5~)
cc 〇
bcc 〇
email_from_field 〇(1.8.5~)
email_add_domain 〇(1.8.5~)
email_format βœ– Not Support
email_reply_to 〇


Support 1.4.0~

name UI Remark
exotel_account_sid 〇
exotel_auth_token 〇
exotel_to_number 〇
exotel_from_number 〇
exotel_message_body 〇

Graylog GELF

Support 1.8.13~

name UI Remark
gelf_type 〇
gelf_endpoint 〇
gelf_host 〇
gelf_port 〇
gelf_payload βœ– BaseRule.config
gelf_log_level 〇
gelf_http_headers βœ– BaseRule.config
gelf_ca_cert 〇
gelf_http_ignore_ssl_errors 〇
gelf_timeout 〇


Support 1.1.0~

name UI Remark
gitter_webhook_url 〇(1.8.5~)
gitter_msg_level 〇
gitter_proxy 〇(1.8.5~)


Support 1.4.0~

name UI Remark
googlechat_webhook_url 〇
googlechat_format 〇
googlechat_header_title 〇
googlechat_header_subtitle 〇(1.8.5~)
googlechat_header_image 〇(1.8.5~)
googlechat_footer_kibanalink 〇(1.8.5~)
googlechat_proxy β—‹(1.8.12~)


name UI Remark
http_post_url 〇 multiple setting(1.8.14~)
http_post_proxy 〇(1.8.5~)
http_post_timeout 〇(1.8.5~)
http_post_ca_certs β–³(1.8.10~) Path to CA certificate bundle or directory is not supported
http_post_ignore_ssl_errors 〇(1.8.10~)
http_post_payload βœ– BaseRule.config
http_post_static_payload βœ– BaseRule.config
http_post_all_values βœ– BaseRule.config
http_post_headers βœ– BaseRule.config


Support 1.8.10~

name UI Remark
http_post2_url 〇 multiple setting(1.8.14~)
http_post2_proxy 〇
http_post2_timeout 〇
http_post2_ca_certs β–³ Path to CA certificate bundle or directory is not supported
http_post2_ignore_ssl_errors 〇
jinja_root_name βœ– BaseRule.config
http_post2_payload βœ– BaseRule.config
http_post2_raw_fields βœ– BaseRule.config
http_post2_headers βœ– BaseRule.config
http_post2_all_values βœ– BaseRule.config


Support 1.8.18~

name UI Remark
iris_host 〇
iris_api_token 〇
iris_type 〇
iris_customer_id 〇
iris_ignore_ssl_errors 〇
iris_ca_cert βœ– BaseRule.config
iris_overwrite_timestamp 〇
iris_case_template_id 〇
iris_description 〇
iris_alert_note 〇
iris_alert_tags 〇
iris_alert_status_id 〇
iris_alert_source_link 〇
iris_alert_severity_id 〇
iris_iocs βœ– BaseRule.config
iris_alert_context βœ– BaseRule.config


name UI Remark
jira_server βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_account_file βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_project 〇
jira_issuetype 〇
jira_components 〇
jira_label βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_labels βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_description βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_assignee βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_max_age βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_priority βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_bump_tickets βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_bump_not_in_statuses βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_bump_in_statuses βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_bump_after_inactivity βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_bump_only βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_transition_to βœ– BaseRule.config
jira_watchers βœ– BaseRule.config
custom field βœ– BaseRule.config


Support 1.8.17~

name UI Remark
lark_bot_id 〇
lark_msgtype βœ– Since text is the only value that can be set, only the value of lark_bot_id is set on the screen.

Line Notify

Support 1.1.0~

name UI Remark
linenotify_access_token 〇


Support 1.1.0~

name UI Remark
mattermost_webhook_url 〇 multiple setting(1.8.14~)
mattermost_proxy 〇(1.8.5~)
mattermost_ignore_ssl_errors 〇(1.8.5~)
mattermost_username_override 〇
mattermost_channel_override 〇
mattermost_icon_url_override 〇(1.8.5~)
mattermost_emoji_override β—‹(1.8.12~)
mattermost_msg_pretext 〇(1.8.5~)
mattermost_msg_color 〇
mattermost_msg_fields βœ– BaseRule.config
mattermost_title 〇(1.8.7~)
mattermost_title_link 〇(1.8.7~)
mattermost_footer 〇(1.8.7~)
mattermost_footer_icon 〇(1.8.7~)
mattermost_image_url 〇(1.8.7~)
mattermost_thumb_url 〇(1.8.7~)
mattermost_author_name 〇(1.8.7~)
mattermost_author_link 〇(1.8.7~)
mattermost_author_icon 〇(1.8.7~)
mattermost_attach_kibana_discover_url 〇(1.8.7~)
mattermost_kibana_discover_color 〇(1.8.7~)
mattermost_kibana_discover_title 〇(1.8.7~)
mattermost_attach_opensearch_discover_url βœ– Not Support
mattermost_opensearch_discover_color βœ– Not Support
mattermost_opensearch_discover_title βœ– Not Support

Matrix Hookshot

Support 1.8.20~

name UI Remark
matrixhookshot_webhook_url 〇
matrixhookshot_proxy 〇
matrixhookshot_username 〇
matrixhookshot_text 〇
matrixhookshot_html βœ– BaseRule.config
matrixhookshot_ignore_ssl_errors 〇
matrixhookshot_timeout 〇
matrixhookshot_ca_certs β–³ Path to CA certificate bundle or directory is not supported

Microsoft Teams

Support 1.1.0~

name UI Remark
ms_teams_webhook_url 〇 multiple setting(1.8.14~)
ms_teams_proxy 〇(1.8.5~)
ms_teams_alert_summary 〇(1.8.5~)
ms_teams_alert_fixed_width 〇(1.8.5~)
ms_teams_theme_color 〇
ms_teams_ca_certs β–³(1.8.11~) Path to CA certificate bundle or directory is not supported
ms_teams_ignore_ssl_errors 〇(1.8.11~)
ms_teams_alert_facts βœ– BaseRule.config
ms_teams_attach_kibana_discover_url 〇(1.8.11~)
ms_teams_kibana_discover_title 〇(1.8.11~)
ms_teams_attach_opensearch_discover_url βœ–
ms_teams_opensearch_discover_title βœ–

Microsoft Power Automate

Support 1.8.20~

name UI Remark
ms_power_automate_webhook_url 〇
ms_power_automate_proxy 〇
ms_power_automate_alert_summary 〇
ms_power_automate_summary_text_size 〇
ms_power_automate_body_text_size 〇
ms_power_automate_ca_certs β–³ Path to CA certificate bundle or directory is not supported
ms_power_automate_ignore_ssl_errors 〇
ms_power_automate_alert_facts βœ– BaseRule.config
ms_power_automate_kibana_discover_color 〇
ms_power_automate_kibana_discover_attach_url 〇
ms_power_automate_kibana_discover_title 〇
ms_power_automate_opensearch_discover_color βœ– Not Support
ms_power_automate_opensearch_discover_attach_url βœ– Not Support
ms_power_automate_opensearch_discover_title βœ– Not Support
ms_power_automate_teams_card_width_full 〇


Support 1.8.12~

name UI Remark
opsgenie_key 〇
opsgenie_account 〇
opsgenie_message 〇
opsgenie_subject 〇
opsgenie_alias 〇
opsgenie_proxy 〇
opsgenie_description 〇
opsgenie_priority 〇(1.8.14~)
opsgenie_default_receipients βœ– BaseRule.config
opsgenie_recipients βœ– BaseRule.config
opsgenie_recipients_args βœ– BaseRule.config
opsgenie_default_teams βœ– BaseRule.config
opsgenie_teams βœ– BaseRule.config
opsgenie_teams_args βœ– BaseRule.config
opsgenie_tags βœ– BaseRule.config
opsgenie_addr βœ– BaseRule.config
opsgenie_subject_args βœ– BaseRule.config
opsgenie_details βœ– BaseRule.config


Support 1.8.10~

name UI Remark
pagerduty_service_key 〇
pagerduty_client_name 〇
pagerduty_event_type 〇
pagerduty_incident_key 〇
pagerduty_incident_key_args 〇
pagerduty_proxy 〇
pagerduty_api_version 〇
pagerduty_v2_payload_class 〇
pagerduty_v2_payload_class_args 〇
pagerduty_v2_payload_component 〇
pagerduty_v2_payload_component_args 〇
pagerduty_v2_payload_group 〇
pagerduty_v2_payload_group_args 〇
pagerduty_v2_payload_severity 〇
pagerduty_v2_payload_source 〇
pagerduty_v2_payload_source_args 〇
pagerduty_v2_payload_custom_details βœ– BaseRule.config
pagerduty_v2_payload_include_all_info 〇
pagerduty_ca_certs β–³(1.8.20~) Path to CA certificate bundle or directory is not supported
pagerduty_ignore_ssl_errors 〇(1.8.20~)


Support 1.3.0~

name UI Remark
pagertree_integration_url 〇
pagertree_proxy 〇(1.8.5~)


Support 1.8.7~

name UI Remark
rocket_chat_webhook_url 〇 multiple setting(1.8.14~)
rocket_chat_username_override 〇
rocket_chat_channel_override 〇
rocket_chat_emoji_override 〇
rocket_chat_msg_color 〇
rocket_chat_text_string 〇
rocket_chat_proxy 〇
rocket_chat_alert_fields βœ– BaseRule.config
rocket_chat_attach_kibana_discover_url 〇(1.8.8~)
rocket_chat_kibana_discover_color 〇(1.8.8~)
rocket_chat_kibana_discover_title 〇(1.8.8~)
rocket_chat_ca_certs β–³(1.8.8~) Path to CA certificate bundle or directory is not supported
rocket_chat_ignore_ssl_errors 〇(1.8.8~)
rocket_chat_timeout 〇(1.8.8~)
rocket_chat_attach_opensearch_discover_url βœ– Not Support
rocket_chat_opensearch_discover_color βœ– Not Support
rocket_chat_opensearch_discover_title βœ– Not Support


Support 1.5.1~

name UI Remark
username 〇
password 〇
servicenow_rest_url 〇
short_description 〇
comments 〇
assignment_group 〇
category 〇
subcategory 〇
cmdb_ci 〇
caller_id 〇
servicenow_proxy 〇(1.8.5~)
servicenow_impact 〇(1.8.8~)
servicenow_urgency 〇(1.8.8~)


name UI Remark
slack_webhook_url 〇 multiple setting(1.8.14~)
slack_proxy 〇(1.8.5~)
slack_username_override 〇
slack_channel_override 〇
slack_title_link 〇
slack_emoji_override 〇
slack_icon_url_override 〇(1.8.5~)
slack_msg_color 〇
slack_parse_override 〇(1.8.5~)
slack_text_string 〇(1.8.5~)
slack_alert_fields βœ– BaseRule.config
slack_ignore_ssl_errors 〇(1.8.5~)
slack_timeout 〇(1.8.5~)
slack_ca_certs β–³(1.8.5~) Path to CA certificate bundle or directory is not supported
slack_attach_kibana_discover_url 〇(1.6.0~)
slack_kibana_discover_color 〇(1.6.0~)
slack_kibana_discover_title 〇(1.6.0~)
slack_footer 〇(1.8.7~)
slack_footer_icon 〇(1.8.7~)
slack_image_url 〇(1.8.7~)
slack_thumb_url 〇(1.8.7~)
slack_author_name 〇(1.8.7~)
slack_author_link 〇(1.8.7~)
slack_author_icon 〇(1.8.7~)
slack_msg_pretext 〇(1.8.7~)
slack_attach_jira_ticket_url 〇(1.8.11~)
slack_jira_ticket_color 〇(1.8.11~)
slack_jira_ticket_title 〇(1.8.11~)
slack_attach_opensearch_discover_url βœ– Not Support
slack_opensearch_discover_color βœ– Not Support
slack_opensearch_discover_title βœ– Not Support

Splunk On-Call (Formerly VictorOps)

Support 1.5.0~

name UI Remark
victorops_api_key 〇
victorops_routing_key 〇
victorops_message_type 〇
victorops_entity_id 〇
victorops_entity_display_name 〇
victorops_proxy 〇(1.8.5~)


Support 1.5.0~

name UI Remark
stomp_hostname 〇 default 'localhost'
stomp_hostport 〇 default '61613'
stomp_login 〇 default 'admin'
stomp_password 〇 default 'admin'
stomp_destination 〇 default '/queue/ALERT'


name UI Remark
telegram_bot_token βœ– BaseRule.config
telegram_room_id 〇
telegram_api_url βœ– default value ''
telegram_proxy 〇(1.8.5~)
telegram_proxy_login 〇(1.8.5~)
telegram_proxy_pass 〇(1.8.5~)
telegram_parse_mode β—‹(1.8.12~)
telegram_thread_id βœ– BaseRule.config

Tencent SMS

Support 1.8.10~

name UI Remark
tencent_sms_secret_id 〇
tencent_sms_secret_key 〇
tencent_sms_sdk_appid 〇
tencent_sms_to_number 〇
tencent_sms_region 〇
tencent_sms_sign_name 〇
tencent_sms_template_id 〇
tencent_sms_template_parm 〇


Support 1.7.0~

name UI Remark
hive_connection βœ– BaseRule.config
(hive_alert_config) source 〇
(hive_alert_config) source_args βœ– BaseRule.config
(hive_alert_config) type 〇
(hive_alert_config) type_args βœ– BaseRule.config
(hive_alert_config) title 〇
(hive_alert_config) title_args βœ– BaseRule.config
(hive_alert_config) tags 〇
(hive_alert_config) customFields βœ– BaseRule.config
(hive_alert_config) description 〇
(hive_alert_config) description_args βœ– BaseRule.config
(hive_alert_config) severity 〇
(hive_alert_config) tlp 〇
(hive_alert_config) status 〇
(hive_alert_config) follow 〇
hive_observable_data_mapping βœ– BaseRule.config


Support 1.3.0~

name UI Remark
twilio_account_sid 〇
twilio_auth_token 〇
twilio_to_number 〇
twilio_from_number 〇
twilio_message_service_sid 〇(1.8.6~)
twilio_use_copilot 〇(1.8.6~)


Support 1.2.0~

name UI Remark
zbx_sender_host 〇(1.8.5~)
zbx_sender_port 〇(1.8.5~)
zbx_host 〇
zbx_key 〇
zbx_host_from_field 〇(1.8.11~)


Support 1.8.20~

name UI Remark
work_wechat_bot_id 〇
work_wechat_msgtype 〇