A shell-like program that implements a subset feature of bash shell with customized signal handlings.
It is built for practicing C
programming and study the following topics:
- process handling (fork, execv, waitpid...)
- change directory (chdir)
- signal handling (sigaction)
- input and output redirect (dup2)
gcc -std=c99 -o smallsh smallsh.c
General syntax:
command [arg1 arg2 ...] [< input_file] [> output_file] [&]
- colon
symbol is the prompt for each command line - supports input and ouput rediect with
- supports background process with
- supports commenting with
- supports variable expansion,
will be replaced with current process PID
: exit small shellcd
: works like UNIX cd commandstatus
: prints out either the exit status or the terminating signal of the last foreground process ran by your shell.
- All unix commands works as usual.
sends SIGINT to the parent shell process and all its child processes
- Parent process will ignore SIGINT
- Background process will ignore SIGINT
- Child process will terminate itself when received SIGINT
sends SIGTSTP to the parent shell process and all its child processes
- Child process will ignore SIGTSTP
- Background process will ignore SIGTSTP
- SIGTSTP will toggle the shell to "foreground-only mode", meaning all subsequent commands with
will be ignored. (Will therefore run in the foreground). Can toggle it back withCTRL-Z