A work-in-progress command-line tool for organising papers from the arXiv.
This is a lightweight tool that I use to organise my reading. Almost all of the papers I read are on the arXiv, and therefore there is no need for me to keep a local copy of my library on my machine. I want to add a similar interface to the CERN document server as well at some stage.
Suppose you want to keep the paper database in your Dropbox. Initialise it with
xarta init ~/Dropbox/xarta.db
and add a paper to your library with kebab-case tags by topic or project:
xarta add 1704.05849 neutrino-mass flavour-anomalies
Now, xarta browse
lists all of the papers in your library.
Alternatively, you can browse by specific paper attributes, like
xarta browse neutrino-mass
xarta browse --author Weinberg
For complex queries, use the --filter
xarta browse --filter "'neutrino-mass' in tags and 'Weinberg' in authors"
The xarta choose
command is similar to browse but allows you to open the paper
in your browser with a key press.
You can also export your whole library to a bibtex file, or just a subset of papers filtered by tags, authors, category, etc.
A summary of the options that are working now:
xarta open <ref> [--pdf]
xarta init [<database-file>]
xarta add <ref> [--alias=<alias>] [<tag> ...]
xarta delete <ref>
xarta info <ref>
xarta browse [--author=<auth>] [--title=<ttl>] [--ref=<ref>]
[--category=<cat>] [--filter=<fltr>] [<tag> ...]
xarta choose [--author=<auth>] [--title=<ttl>] [--ref=<ref>]
[--category=<cat>] [--filter=<fltr>] [--pdf] [<tag> ...]
xarta export (arxiv|inspire) <bibtex-file> [--export-alias] [--author=<auth>]
[--title=<ttl>] [--ref=<ref>] [--category=<cat>]
[--filter=<fltr>] [<tag> ...]
xarta list (authors|tags|aliases) [--sort=<order>] [--contains=<cont>]
xarta lucky [--author=<auth>] [--title=<ttl>] [--pdf] [<tag> ...]
xarta tags (set|add|remove) <ref> [<tag> ...]
xarta alias <ref> [<alias>]
xarta rename <tag> [<tag>]
xarta refresh <ref>
xarta -h | --help
xarta --version
Pronounce the "x" as a voiceless velar fricative or plosive, as you like.