git clone
npm install
npm run migrate
npm run seed
npm start
- standardize on module.exports = { a } rather than module.exports = a
- add error responses to openapi.yaml
- probably just need the common ones like 404, plus a default
- not feasible to document all possible error responses
- nodemon dev server
- consider using this approach to loading dotenv config instead of requiring dotenv in multiple spots in the source code
- write unit tests and strive for 100% test coverage
- may need to use separate jest configurations for unit/integration tests. this can be accomplished with the --config cli flag
- version the api
- setup the standard tooling for a Node project
- eslint
- prettier
- husky (run tests + eslint + prettier as githooks)
- update openapi.yml with the /tags endpoints, and the new functionality related to the "relations" query parameter
- castValues only supports top level values, but now that relational data is supported it might need to become recursive
- might need to define schemas in a separate directory (perhaps inside of models) so that they can be composed together inside
static get jsonSchema
. Another option is to try calling Category.jsonSchema inside of Todo.jsonSchema - Add the ability to create todo/tag associations