Generates a custom yaml to be Helm installed with stable/chartmuseum
Initial design is for use with a Tectonic like installation on AWS.
file utilizing this module
module chartmuseum {
source = "git::"
aws_extra_tags = "${map("kubernetesCluster", "${var.cluster_name}",)}"
force_destroy_s3_buckets = false
kube2iam_enabled = true
prefix = "${var.cluster_name}"
# use the module output to write the yaml to it's destination
resource local_file chartmuseum_custom_values {
content = "\n${module.chartmuseum.values_yaml}"
filename = "./generated/${local.workspace}/charts/chartmuseum/custom.yaml"
variable cluster_name {
type = "string"
output chartmuseum_values_yaml {
value = "${local_file.chartmuseum_custom_values.content}"
- Create a cross-region replication s3 bucket for resilience
- Support other common options for custom.yaml, especially for other STORAGE providers