Our motivation for making the NBA stats app was to practice collaborating with other developers while building an app about a shared common interest. The NBA stats app will allow users to select an NBA team to review their season stats, a summary of their recent games and a summary of top players stats. Also, there is a button that will direct the user to the selected teams upcoming games. The Upcoming Games page will display the date, who and where they are playing, the starting price and a button that will direct the user to the ticket page for that game.
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
The landing page will display the Toronto Raptors season stats on load and will invite the user to search for any NBA teams stats. An example of what the user should enter into the search prompt is highlighted in the searchbar. Once the user selects a team, the landing page will update to display the team's season stats, a summary of their recent games and a summary of top players stats. In the sidebar, the user can select the "Upcoming Games" button to be directed to the Upcoming Games page.
Credits to the balldontlie API, the Seat Geek API and our team for collobrating on this project.
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