A new Flutter project.
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
Abstract classes
services (=Status)
- Device Info
- Network
- Geo
- ...
respositories (=Data that can be manipulated)
- fetch data from all around the world
- API calls
- From and To JSON
Everything relevant for the Application Includes:
- Abstract Repos
- Abstract Services
- Entities
- Usecases
- CRUD Player
- services (abstract)
- repos (abstract)
- usecases (Business Logic)
- entities (Interfaces/Types)
Presenter/Provider (in our case Bloc) handles the communication between Usecases and the UI
Each Feature/Page has its own folder inside the features folder
Cubic is Bloc but without event trigger -> State change but no custom events
- Useful for simple things like just navigating to another page
One Gloal Bloc
- App State
- Navigation
- features
- bloc (Event, State)
- pages (Structure of page)
- widgets (Content of page)
- routes (Pages in AutoRoute format)
- DI config
- perserves that communication only happens up
- main
- observed
- BlocObserver -> Observes state changes (Something like logging)