Dreamcast is for both novice and expert developers who are looking to interact with programs that lack a Typescript SDK, but have a published IDL account on-chain.
Additionally, this library is suitable for those who have an IDL file for a custom program they are interacting with, but want a concise and reusable method for creating their provider and program instances.
You can install Dreamcast with npm using the following command:
npm i @joeymeere/dreamcast
Additionally, you can load the source code via unpkg:
Fetching IDLs
// create a connection (web3.js)
const connection = new Connection("<rpc url>");
const programId = "STKUaKniasuqrfer3XNbmrrc578pkL1XACdK8H3YPu8";
// returns formatted IDL object
const idl = await getIDL(connection, programId);
If you're using this package with Next.js, you'll need to add some extra lines to your next.config.js to ensure IDLs are correctly loaded.
transpilePackages: ['@joeymeere/dreamcast'],
webpack: (config) => {
config.resolve.extensionAlias = {
".js": [".ts", ".tsx", ".js", ".jsx"],
".mjs": [".mts", ".mjs"],
".cjs": [".cts", ".cjs"],
return config;