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581 lines (452 loc) · 14.8 KB

File metadata and controls

581 lines (452 loc) · 14.8 KB


const plansController = new PlansController(client);

Class Name



Get Plan

Gets a plan

async getPlan(
  planId: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetPlanResponse>>


Parameter Type Tags Description
planId string Template, Required Plan id
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.

Response Type


Example Usage

const planId = 'plan_id8';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await plansController.getPlan(planId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;

Update Plan

Updates a plan

async updatePlan(
  planId: string,
  request: UpdatePlanRequest,
  idempotencyKey?: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetPlanResponse>>


Parameter Type Tags Description
planId string Template, Required Plan id
request UpdatePlanRequest Body, Required Request for updating a plan
idempotencyKey string | undefined Header, Optional -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.

Response Type


Example Usage

const planId = 'plan_id8';
const requestInstallments: number[] = [151, 152];
const requestPaymentMethods: string[] = ['payment_methods1', 'payment_methods0', 'payment_methods9'];
const requestBillingDays: number[] = [115];
const requestMetadata: Record<string, string> = {'key0' : 'metadata3' } const request: UpdatePlanRequest = {
  name: 'name6',
  description: 'description6',
  installments: requestInstallments,
  statementDescriptor: 'statement_descriptor6',
  currency: 'currency6',
  interval: 'interval4',
  intervalCount: 114,
  paymentMethods: requestPaymentMethods,
  billingType: 'billing_type0',
  status: 'status8',
  shippable: false,
  billingDays: requestBillingDays,
  metadata: requestMetadata,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await plansController.updatePlan(planId, request);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;

Update Plan Metadata

Updates the metadata from a plan

async updatePlanMetadata(
  planId: string,
  request: UpdateMetadataRequest,
  idempotencyKey?: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetPlanResponse>>


Parameter Type Tags Description
planId string Template, Required The plan id
request UpdateMetadataRequest Body, Required Request for updating the plan metadata
idempotencyKey string | undefined Header, Optional -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.

Response Type


Example Usage

const planId = 'plan_id8';
const requestMetadata: Record<string, string> = {'key0' : 'metadata3' } const request: UpdateMetadataRequest = {
  metadata: requestMetadata,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await plansController.updatePlanMetadata(planId, request);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;

Delete Plan Item

Removes an item from a plan

async deletePlanItem(
  planId: string,
  planItemId: string,
  idempotencyKey?: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetPlanItemResponse>>


Parameter Type Tags Description
planId string Template, Required Plan id
planItemId string Template, Required Plan item id
idempotencyKey string | undefined Header, Optional -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.

Response Type


Example Usage

const planId = 'plan_id8';
const planItemId = 'plan_item_id0';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await plansController.deletePlanItem(planId, planItemId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;

Get Plans

Gets all plans

async getPlans(
  page?: number,
  size?: number,
  name?: string,
  status?: string,
  billingType?: string,
  createdSince?: string,
  createdUntil?: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<ListPlansResponse>>


Parameter Type Tags Description
page number | undefined Query, Optional Page number
size number | undefined Query, Optional Page size
name string | undefined Query, Optional Filter for Plan's name
status string | undefined Query, Optional Filter for Plan's status
billingType string | undefined Query, Optional Filter for plan's billing type
createdSince string | undefined Query, Optional Filter for plan's creation date start range
createdUntil string | undefined Query, Optional Filter for plan's creation date end range
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.

Response Type


Example Usage

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await plansController.getPlans();
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;

Get Plan Item

Gets a plan item

async getPlanItem(
  planId: string,
  planItemId: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetPlanItemResponse>>


Parameter Type Tags Description
planId string Template, Required Plan id
planItemId string Template, Required Plan item id
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.

Response Type


Example Usage

const planId = 'plan_id8';
const planItemId = 'plan_item_id0';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await plansController.getPlanItem(planId, planItemId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;

Delete Plan

Deletes a plan

async deletePlan(
  planId: string,
  idempotencyKey?: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetPlanResponse>>


Parameter Type Tags Description
planId string Template, Required Plan id
idempotencyKey string | undefined Header, Optional -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.

Response Type


Example Usage

const planId = 'plan_id8';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await plansController.deletePlan(planId);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;

Update Plan Item

Updates a plan item

async updatePlanItem(
  planId: string,
  planItemId: string,
  body: UpdatePlanItemRequest,
  idempotencyKey?: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetPlanItemResponse>>


Parameter Type Tags Description
planId string Template, Required Plan id
planItemId string Template, Required Plan item id
body UpdatePlanItemRequest Body, Required Request for updating the plan item
idempotencyKey string | undefined Header, Optional -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.

Response Type


Example Usage

const planId = 'plan_id8';
const planItemId = 'plan_item_id0';
const bodyPricingSchemePriceBrackets: UpdatePriceBracketRequest[] = [];

const bodyPricingSchemepriceBrackets0: UpdatePriceBracketRequest = {
  startQuantity: 31,
  price: 225,

bodyPricingSchemePriceBrackets[0] = bodyPricingSchemepriceBrackets0;

const bodyPricingSchemepriceBrackets1: UpdatePriceBracketRequest = {
  startQuantity: 32,
  price: 226,

bodyPricingSchemePriceBrackets[1] = bodyPricingSchemepriceBrackets1;

const bodyPricingScheme: UpdatePricingSchemeRequest = {
  schemeType: 'scheme_type2',
  priceBrackets: bodyPricingSchemePriceBrackets,

const body: UpdatePlanItemRequest = {
  name: 'name6',
  description: 'description4',
  status: 'status2',
  pricingScheme: bodyPricingScheme,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await plansController.updatePlanItem(planId, planItemId, body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;

Create Plan Item

Adds a new item to a plan

async createPlanItem(
  planId: string,
  request: CreatePlanItemRequest,
  idempotencyKey?: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetPlanItemResponse>>


Parameter Type Tags Description
planId string Template, Required Plan id
request CreatePlanItemRequest Body, Required Request for creating a plan item
idempotencyKey string | undefined Header, Optional -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.

Response Type


Example Usage

const planId = 'plan_id8';
const requestPricingScheme: CreatePricingSchemeRequest = {
  schemeType: 'scheme_type2',

const request: CreatePlanItemRequest = {
  name: 'name6',
  pricingScheme: requestPricingScheme,
  id: 'id6',
  description: 'description6',

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await plansController.createPlanItem(planId, request);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;

Create Plan

Creates a new plan

async createPlan(
  body: CreatePlanRequest,
  idempotencyKey?: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<GetPlanResponse>>


Parameter Type Tags Description
body CreatePlanRequest Body, Required Request for creating a plan
idempotencyKey string | undefined Header, Optional -
requestOptions RequestOptions | undefined Optional Pass additional request options.

Response Type


Example Usage

const bodyItems: CreatePlanItemRequest[] = [];

const bodyitems0PricingScheme: CreatePricingSchemeRequest = {
  schemeType: 'scheme_type5',

const bodyitems0: CreatePlanItemRequest = {
  name: 'name3',
  pricingScheme: bodyitems0PricingScheme,
  id: 'id3',
  description: 'description3',

bodyItems[0] = bodyitems0;

const bodyitems1PricingScheme: CreatePricingSchemeRequest = {
  schemeType: 'scheme_type4',

const bodyitems1: CreatePlanItemRequest = {
  name: 'name4',
  pricingScheme: bodyitems1PricingScheme,
  id: 'id4',
  description: 'description4',

bodyItems[1] = bodyitems1;

const bodyitems2PricingScheme: CreatePricingSchemeRequest = {
  schemeType: 'scheme_type3',

const bodyitems2: CreatePlanItemRequest = {
  name: 'name5',
  pricingScheme: bodyitems2PricingScheme,
  id: 'id5',
  description: 'description5',

bodyItems[2] = bodyitems2;

const bodyPaymentMethods: string[] = ['payment_methods9'];
const bodyInstallments: number[] = [207];
const bodyBillingDays: number[] = [201, 200];
const bodyPricingScheme: CreatePricingSchemeRequest = {
  schemeType: 'scheme_type2',

const bodyMetadata: Record<string, string> = {'key0' : 'metadata7', 'key1' : 'metadata8' } const body: CreatePlanRequest = {
  name: 'name6',
  description: 'description4',
  statementDescriptor: 'statement_descriptor6',
  items: bodyItems,
  shippable: false,
  paymentMethods: bodyPaymentMethods,
  installments: bodyInstallments,
  currency: 'currency6',
  interval: 'interval6',
  intervalCount: 170,
  billingDays: bodyBillingDays,
  billingType: 'billing_type0',
  pricingScheme: bodyPricingScheme,
  metadata: bodyMetadata,

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await plansController.createPlan(body);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;