Home of the core NativeScript theme. Want to get started? Check out the theme’s documentation on the official NativeScript docs site.
Clone this repo, and then use the tns run
command to launch the demo app on your device or emulator of choice.
tns run ios
// or
tns run android
If you’d like to toggle the color scheme from light to dark, open the sidedrawer, scroll down to "Themes" at the bottom, and toggle away.
NOTE: Only authorized authors can publish updates.
IMPORTANT: Always make sure you have run the demo app in iOS or Android to verify any changes as well as ensure the latest css
has been built before doing the following:
- Bump version in
- Adjust
if any changes to the publishedREADME
are needed.
npm run builder
cd nativescript-theme-core
npm publish
IMPORTANT: Never modify the contents of nativescript-theme-core
folder directly. The builder creates that everytime and any change you make there will be overwritten.
Setup changelog generation:
npm install -g conventional-changelog-cli
Generate changelog workflow:
- Make changes
- Commit those changes - using these conventions.
- Make sure Travis turns green
- Bump version in
conventional-changelog -p angular -i CHANGELOG.md -s
- Commit package.json and CHANGELOG.md files
- Tag
- Push
NathanWalker | TheOriginalJosh | tjvantoll | NathanaelA | triniwiz | sis0k0 |
sitefinitysteve | vakrilov | bradmartin | firescript | valentinstoychev | enchev |
Apache 2.0