Discord Bot to relay BGS information.
- Run once to create the configuration file under a folder created at the run location named "Resources".
- Edit the newly-created config.json file and populate it with your bot-token, the command prefix you'd like for the bot, and your chosen faction.
- Restart the bot.
Remember that all commands must begin with the prefix from the configuration file, e.g., if the command prefix is '$', then the command would be '$sitrep Sol'
- sitrep [system] : returns all the factions in [system] as well as their state and influence level. If fewer than 7 factions are in a system, a message will be displayed indicating such.
- traffic [system] : returns the daily/weekly/total traffic in [system].
- exrep [system] : returns the likely expansion candidate for any particular system. Must set a faction in the config file. Note: This command can take several seconds.
- help : Displays a help message.