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Release Notes 4.4.0

sbraconnier edited this page Jan 15, 2021 · 1 revision

v4.4.0 (2021-01-15)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • Add the ability to wait after an attempt to start an office process before trying to connect. #244
  • Add dotx conversion out of the box #213
  • Add ability to attach OfficeManager to already running Process #203
  • JODConverterBean, expose office manager to add filters support #201
  • Make office process management asynchronous (start, restart, etc). #200
  • Remove unnecessary dependencies. #198
  • Allow conversions on remote host with LibreOffice directly (ExternalOfficeManager) #195
  • Use ExternalOfficeManager with a pool of processes #191
  • Allow process restart to be asynchronous #171
  • Add ability to reuse already running libreoffice instances #72

Fixed bugs:

  • ExternalOfficeManager :: makeTempDir not called when connectOnStart = false #211

Closed issues:

  • ExternalOfficeManager always connects sockets to #241
  • DocUpdateMode not working? #227
  • Depending on the operating system, /tmp is getting regularly cleaned #220
  • Temporary file name added in CSV -> PDF conversion #219
  • Wiki page for LibreOffice Online example code should be RemoteOfficeManager #216
  • Wiki page for LibreOffice Online still references "jodconverter-online" #214
  • How to disable AutoCalculate? #207
  • JODConverter Reached limit Tasks and Restart #196

Merged pull requests:

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