Great to have you here! Let me introduce myself.
I am Joshua Ocrah, a backend/infrastructure software engineer with over 5 years of experience. I am driven by the desire to understand the why and how things work the way they do. My superpower and/or 'weakness' is my curiosity.
In my spare time, I like to learn a lot and also admire creativity in other unrelated professions. Thankfully, I am a part of a study group and we recently wrapped up reading Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann and got the opportunity to have a chat with him about it!
I love open-source work. I dabble in it to gain some knowledge and to give back as well. I have contributed to a couple of projects so far and intend on doing some more.
Teamwork: A project I regard as one of the highlights of my career so far. I serve as a mentor on it to guide entry-level backend developers level up in their skills by building real-life practical applications.
Tape: a testing framework for Node.js. Learnt a lot from this and still more to learn when I contribute more.
Entering the tech space professionally in 2017, I have mostly functioned as a backend developer working with Javascript, Nodejs, .NET, MongoDB, Postgres, MariaDB, AWS, Google Cloud to build well-tested and maintainable microservices.
When necessary, I have worked on maintainable frontend applications and widgets across multiple platforms like Shopify, Wix and Bigcommerce.
I currently focus on DevOps engineering to ensure high availability of services and establishing processes that ease the work of developers.
I find myself increasingly biased towards tools and products that have a positive impact on other entrepreneurs and business owners in terms of providing convenience and that has influenced most of my career choices.