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Efficient reporting over sets of items of user defined data types, via an F# interface.


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Bonsai Store - F# based reporting

Bonsai Store is a project with the purpose of providing efficient reporting over sets of items of user defined data types, via an F# interface. A Bonsai Store can be constructed programmatically over any data type. If the data type contains indexes (annotated member methods), a tree-based (hence the name)data structure is constructed internally, enabling efficient filtering.


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The objective of the project is to provide a simple interface for constructing aggregation based reports while maintaining good performance. Instead of using an external query language (such as SQL), queries are constructed in F# and data is stored in memory.

The following features are emphasized:

  • Simple semantics - A Bonsai Store is conceptually just a set of items.
  • Reports may be constructed by composing well known operations over sequences such as filter, map and fold.
  • Queries are statically type checked.
  • Support for abstractions - Query templates can be extracted and packaged as libraries.

Bonsai Store may be applied in scenarios with a large enough data set to make required filtering expensive and small enough to fit in memory. Between 1 and 100 million data points with a diverse set of filtering criteria would be a good candidate.

An example

To give a concrete example of how Bonsai Store can be used, consider the following data types representing some aspects of a sales record:

    open FSharp.BonsaiStore
    type Employee = { EmployeeId : int ; Name : string; Team : string }
    type Product = { ProductId : int; Category : string ; Name : string }
    type SalesItem = 
            Product : Product
            Quantity : int
            Price : float
            Date : System.DateTime
            Employee : Employee 
        [<Index; Level(0)>]
        member private this.DateIx() = 
            let span = this.Date - DateTime(1900,1,1)
            span.Days / 100

        [<Index; Level(1)>]
        member private this.PriceIx() = 
            int (this.Price / 300.)

        [<Index; Level(2)>]
        member private this.PersonNameIx() = 
            this.Employee.Name.GetHashCode() % 100

        [<Index; Level(3)>]
        member private this.CategoryIx() = 

The SalesItem type contains basic information such as the employee responsible for the sale, the price, quantity and product being sold.

The type is also enhanced with some private methods annotated with an Index attribute. These methods define the indexes to be used when constructing a Bonsai Store over the data type. For instance the DateIx method signals that items should be partitioned into groups where items in the same group are at most 100 days apart with respect to their Date properties. The Level(0) flag means that this condition will constitute the top level in a hierarchical set of partitions. The second level will split on price intervals of 300. The next levels will branch on name of the sales person and product category.

Constructing Bonsai Stores

Given a list of sales items, a Bonsai Store can be constructed:

open FSharp.BonsaiStore
open FSharp.BonsaiStore.Service
let store = buildDefaultService items

The SB.buildDefaultStore examines the index structure and builds a hierarchal tree where each level corresponds to an index.

Basic reporting

When applicable, reports are preferably defined in a map-reduce fashion. Following is an example for counting the total number of elements given an arbitrary filter:

let totalNumSalesItems filter = report store filter (fun _ -> 1) Array.sum

totalNumSalesItems can now be used to count the elements using any filtering condition. Here is an example of counting the number of items with price greater than 100 during the year 2010:

let res =
    totalNumSalesItems <@ fun item ->  item.Price > 100. && item.Date.Year = 2010 @>

The function report has signature:

val report<'T,'R>  (store: IStore<'T>) 
                   (filter: Expr<'T -> bool>) 
                   (map: 'T -> 'R) 
                   (reduce: 'R [] -> 'R) 
                   : 'R =

The first argument is a store object; Any type implementing the IStore interface will do but in the following sections I'll assume that we're using Bonsai Stores.

The second argument is a filter condition in the form of an Expr<'T -> bool>.The reason for requiring an expression rather than a plain function is that expressions can be dissected and mapped to existing indexes. This enables Bonsai Stores to slice the internal tree structure efficiently. From a users perspective it's sufficient to think of it as a simple predicate. Expressions are easy to create in F# using the quotation mechanism (simply embed the code inside a <@ and @>.

The third argument is a map function for constructing a report from a single item. In the example above the function maps every element to the value 1.

The last parameter is the a reduce function, folding an array of reports into a single report. In the element count example, Array.sum transforms an array of numbers by summing all elements.

An IStore object is isomorphic to an unordered sequence and the semantics of Report can be defined as a composition of the standard filter and map operations on sequences. Here's an equivalent (but less efficient) definition of report:

let report store filter map reduce = 
    let pred = compile filter
    find store <@ fun _ -> true @>
    |> Array.filter pred
    |> map 
    |> reduce

The filter expression is compiled to a predicate function and the items are simply extracted from the store, filtered, mapped and reduced using well known constructs.

In order for the semantics of report generation to be consistent, the type of a report ('R in the signature above) needs to form a commutative monoid; That is an algebraic structure with a binary operation which is commutative and associative, along with an identity element.

Given a report type R, with identity id and operator *, the following conditions must hold:

a * id = a , for every a in 'R (identity)
a * b = b * a , for every a,b in 'R (commutativity)
a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c, for every a,b,c in 'R (associativity)

The identity element and the binary operator are both encoded in reduce:

id = reduce [||]
reduce = Array.fold (*) id

The signature of reduce also enables optimized implementations of folding a sequence of elements.

Considering the example above: store filter 0 (fun _ -> 1) Array.sum

The reduce function is Array.sum which can be rewritten into a fold:

Array.sum xs = Array.fold (+) 0

unveiling the corresponding id and (*) operator. We also need to verify that the conditions for commutativity, associativity and identity are fulfilled:

a + 0 = a
a + b = b + a
a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c

There are many other useful report types that meet the required criteria. A few includes, numbers, tables and unordered lists.

Let's consider another example defining a report that lists the total value of sold items per team. In this case we're not aggregating values into a single number but a list of records.

module T  = Reports.Table

let topTeams store filter =
        (fun item -> T.single item.Employee.Team  (float item.Quantity * item.Price))
        (T.mergeWith (+))

As in the previous example, the function is parametrized by an arbitrary filter expression. The map function constructs a table from a single elements and reduce merges a sequence of tables.

Here's and example instantiating topTeams with a filter:

let topTeamsRes =
    topTeams salesStore <@ fun item ->  item.Date > DateTime(2010,7,1) && item.Price > 200 && item.Price < 500 @>


Efficient reporting over sets of items of user defined data types, via an F# interface.







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