Super Simple automation for declerative partition maintenance for PostgreSQL
- No metadata repo needed and no extension to be created
- Automatic detection of Partition boundary
- Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly and Daily partitioning
- Generation of DDL script to file
- Optional, direct creation of partitions against the database
- This script is written in python and require Psycopg2 to be present in the system. Install if required
For example in CentOS 7 :
sudo yum install python3-psycopg2
orsudo apt-get install python3-psycopg2
- There should be at least 1 partition which will be used as a reference for generating further partitions
Host connection string. for example:
-c "host=HostnameOrIP dbname=databasename user=username password=password"
host can be socket file location also
Name of the partitioned table in schemaname.tablename format. for example:
-t "public.order"
Interval of the new partitions to be created. for example :
-i monthly
Number of partitions to be premaked. They are advance empty partitions. For example:
-p 5
Any string to be appended to the DDL Statement. good place to specify tablespace info
-a "TABLESPACE tblspace1"
Specify a file to write the generated DDLs. example:
--ddlfile ddl.sql
Print the DDLs to screen.
Execute DDLs against database to create new partitions.
./ -c "host=localhost" -t "public.order" -i weekly -p 5 --displayddl -a "TABLESPACE tblspace1"
./ -c "host=localhost" -t "" -i 1000000 -p 5 --displayddl -a "TABLESPACE tblspace1"