- Data Structures:
- Hash Tables
- Linked Lists
- Stacks (FILO pop, push, top)
- Queues (FIFO enqueue, dequeue)
- Trees
- Tries
- Graphs
- Vectors
- Heaps
Still To check:
- Breadth-first search (queue for iterative approach)
- Depth-first search (stack for iterative approach)
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
Big O notation
- Do exercises
- Time complexity
- Space complexity
- Trees average per level
- A very big sum
- Designer PDF view
- Left Rotation
- Insert a node at a position given in a list
- Cycle detection
- Balanced Brackets
- Queue using 2 stacks
- Ice Cream Parlor
- Colorful Number
- Insertion sort part 2
- Quicksort
- Binary tree insertion
- Height of a Binary Tree
- QHeap 1
- Breath First Search
- Snakes and Ladders
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Number of Visible Nodes
- Nodes in a SubTree
- Rotation Cypher
- Pair Sums
- Minimum Lenght Strings
- Matching Pairs
- Largest Triple Product
- Contiguous SubArrays
- Balanced Split
- Counting Triangles
- Reveserse Operations
- Self Balancing Tree
System Design Interviews:
- [] Costs Of operations:
- Read from disk
- Read from memory
- Local Area Network (LAN) roundtrip
- Cross Continental Network
- [] System Properties:
- throughput
- latency
- storage
- [] APIs? Which tools?
- [] LoadBalancer?
- [] Twitter System Design
- [] Youtube System Design
- [] Netflix System Design
- [] Google System Design
- [] Facebook System Design
- [] Costs Of operations: