The Either
data type encapsulates the idea of a computation that may fail.
An Either
value can either be Right
some value or Left
some error.
type Either<T> = Right<T> | Left;
If this is new to you, you may want to read the introductory article Safer code with container types about why and how to use this library.
npm install --save
import { Either, tryCatch, andThen, withDefault } from './either';
interface UserJson {
id: number;
nickname: string;
email: string;
// throws if file does not exists
const readFile = (filename: string): string => {
const fileSystem: { [key: string]: string } = {
'something.json': `
"id": 1,
"nickname": "rick",
"email": "[email protected]"
"id": 2,
"nickname": "morty",
"email": "[email protected]"
const fileContents = fileSystem[filename];
if (fileContents === undefined) {
throw new Error(`${filename} does not exists.`);
return fileContents;
// Wraps the read file operation in an Either
const readFileContent = (filename: string): Either<string> =>
() => readFile(filename),
err => err
// Wraps the json parsing operation in an Either
const parseJson = (json: string): Either<UserJson[]> =>
() => JSON.parse(json),
err => new Error(`There was an error parsing this Json.`)
// The pipeline function just makes function invocations flow
const pipeline = (initialValue: any, ...fns: Function[]) =>
fns.reduce((acc, fn) => fn(acc), initialValue);
const usersFull: UserJson[] = pipeline(
(fname: string) => readFileContent(fname),
(json: Either<string>) => andThen(parseJson, json),
(users: Either<UserJson[]>) => withDefault(users, [])
); // returns the Array of users because all intermediate operations have succeeded
const usersEmpty: UserJson[] = pipeline(
(fname: string) => readFileContent(fname),
(json: Either<string>) => andThen(parseJson, json),
(users: Either<UserJson[]>) => withDefault(users, [])
); // returns an empty Array because the readFile operations failed
(Inspired by elm-lang)
right<T>(value: T): Either<T>
Wraps a value in an instance of Right
right(5); // Right<number>(5)
left<T>(error: Error): Either<T>
Creates an instance of Left
left(new Error('Something bad happened')); // Left<unknown>(Error('Something bad happened'))
left<number>(new Error('The calculation failed')); // Left<number>(Error('The calculation failed'))
isRight<T>(value: Either<T>): boolean
Returns true if a value is an instance of Right
isRight(left(new Error('Wrong!'))); // false
isLeft<T>(value: Either<T>): boolean
Returns true if a value is not an instance of Right
isLeft(right(5)); // false
isLeft(left('Hi!')); // true
isLeft(null); // true
withDefault<T>(value: Either<T>, defaultValue: T): T
If value
is an instance of Right
it returns its wrapped value, if it's an instance of Left
it returns the defaultValue
withDefault(right(5), 0); // 5
withDefault(left(new Error('Wrong!')), 0); // 0
caseOf<A, B>(caseof: {Right: (v: A) => B; Left: (err: Error) => B;}, value: Either<A>): B
Run different computations depending on whether an Either
is Right
or Left
and returns the result.
Left: err => `Error: ${err.message}`,
Right: n => `Launch ${n} missiles`
); // 'Launch 5 missiles'
map<A, B>(f: (a: A) => B, value: Either<A>): Either<B>
Transforms an Either
value with a given function.
const add1 = (n: number) => n + 1;
map(add1, right(4)); // Right<number>(5)
map(add1, left(new Error('Something bad happened'))); // Left('Something bad happened')
tryCatch<A>(f: () => A, onError: (e: Error) => Error): Either<A>
Transforms a function (that might throw an exception) that produces A
to a function that produces Either<A>
() => JSON.parse(''),
err => err
); // Left('Unexpected end of JSON input')
andThen<A, B>(f: (a: A) => Either<B>, value: Either<A>): Either<B>
Chains together computations that may fail.
const removeFirstElement = <T>(arr: T[]): T[] => {
if (arr.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Array is empty');
return arr.slice(1);
const safeRemoveFirst = <T>(arr: T[]): Either<T[]> => {
try {
return right(removeFirstElement(arr));
} catch (error) {
return left(error);
// The pipeline function just makes function invocations flow
const pipeline = (initialValue: any, ...fns: Function[]) =>
fns.reduce((acc, fn) => fn(acc), initialValue);
const result: string[] = pipeline(
['a', 'b', 'c'],
safeRemoveFirst, // Right(['b', 'c'])
(arr: Either<string[]>) => andThen(safeRemoveFirst, arr), // Right(['b'])
(arr: Either<string[]>) => andThen(safeRemoveFirst, arr), // Right([])
(arr: Either<string[]>) => andThen(safeRemoveFirst, arr), // Left(Error('Array is empty'))
(arr: Either<string[]>) => andThen(safeRemoveFirst, arr), // Left(Error('Array is empty'))
(arr: Either<string[]>) => withDefault(arr, [])
console.log(result); // []