This gem is a client library for the Clubhouse v1 API
If you don't know what Clubhouse is, I recommend you check it out, its an awesome project management system in its early days and can only get better.
Their API documentation is at the following address as you will need it for reference.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem ''
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install
Before we start its best to setup a default client if you are just using it with only one token.
You can generate a token for clubhouse by going to the account section and generating a new token
Clubhouse.default_client ='YOUR_TOKEN_HERE')
Now we are ready to start creating stories. In its basic form this is how you create a story
This will create a new story in the first project that is returned from the API in the all projects request.
story ='My Story', project_id:
You can check out all the other docs on other resources with examples here
Bug reports and/or pull requests are welcome
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License