AngularJS directive of timepicker and datepicker with IOS alarm style. You can fit it in your mobile html5 app for ios style animation feel timepicker. It is a base. You can decorate your own style timepicker by modifying css.
###Run the demo:
- Please install a webserver locally. Put the files in web root.
- Open index.html by (xxxx is up to your web server port) with chrome
- config chrome to view page in device mode. (Reason: touch event handler can only be responded in mobile device.)
###How to fit the directive in your code Please check the demo code. Just simply put the directive in your html desired position:
<timepicker hour='hour' minute='minute'></timepicker>
note: two-way data binding $scope.hour and $scope.minute by 'hour' and 'minute' property