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Stock Monitoring Dashboard

Table of Contents


This demo application consists of the following components:

  • The frontend is built using React JS
  • The backend is using AWS AppSync via AWS Amplify Framework
  • Authentication is done via Amazon Cognito
  • AWS Secrets Manager is used to store the API Keys that will be used to query the data feed.
  • AWS Lambda and Amazon CloudWatch Events are used to regularly fetch the latest Intraday prices from the data feed.
  • The data feed that this demo uses is from Alpha Vantage

High-Level Architecture

Image of High-Level Architecture

Installation Requirements

  1. AWS CLI (>= 1.16.234)
  2. Amplify CLI (>= 1.11.0)


You can either deploy it locally or use AWS Amplify to host the application for you. The succeeding sections describes both approaches so you only need to pick one.

Local Deployment

Install the Amplify CLI

npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli

Clone the repo from GitHub

git clone

Initialize the Project

cd stock_dashboard
amplify env add

Use the following values:

  • Do you want to use an existing environment? No
  • Enter a name for the environment. You can just input "local"
  • Do you want to use an AWS profile? If you have a profile configured via the AWS CLI, you can reuse the same profile, otherwise choose No and configure accordingly.

Deploy the Backend

amplify push

Just use the default answers and follow the instructions.

The push commands will create the following:

  • Cognito User Pool
  • DynamoDB
  • AppSync API

Install frontend dependencies

npm install

Deploy Application using Amplify Console

Execute the following CloudFormation to create the AmplifyBackendDeploymentRole service role that would be used by Amplify.

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file bootstrap/amplify-console-base-cf.yaml --stack-name StockDashboardBase --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Alternatively, you can go to the IAM console and create a new role that has the following permissions (make sure that it has a trust relationship with Amplify (

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*",
            "Effect": "Allow"

Login to your Github account and fork the repository:

Github Fork Repository

Alternatively, you can clone the repository and push it to either Github or CodeCommit.

Go to the AWS Management Console and then Amplify. Click "Get Started" under "Deploy", see following screenshot:

Amplify Overview

You should be able to see a screen like the following:

Amplify Connect

Once your repo has been selected, Amplify should automatically generate a build configuration. Make sure to select "Create new environment":

Amplify Build Settings

Select the role (AmplifyBackendDeploymentRole) that was created by the bootstrap CloudFormation template and then click "Next". This will automatically deploy both frontend and backend. You can keep track of the deployment process by drilling down and see the logs that are being streamed in.

Once the deployment finishes, there's one more step to make sure that the React Router works. Go to the "Rewrites and redirects" section:

Rewrites and redirects

Modify the default rule and change the "Source address" to </^((?!\.(css|gif|ico|jpg|js|png|txt|svg|woff|ttf)$).)*$/>, and the "Type" to 200 (Rewrite), it should look like this:

Rewrite Rule

Setup the Data Feed Integration

Where to get Config Values?

Local Deployment

After running amplify push in the previous step, the src/aws-exports.js file would be generated. Refer to that file to get the config values for the data feed function.

Amplify Console

Since the deployment is handled by the Amplify service, you won't have access to the config file. You would be able to get the config values by going to the different services that the app depends on. These are as follows:

  • Go to Cognito console to get the pool id.
  • Go to AppSync to get the endpoint url.

Register for an API Key from the Data Feed Provider

Go to Alpha Vantage, and get a free API key.

Create Cognito User Pool Client for the Backend

aws cognito-idp create-user-pool-client --user-pool-id <value of user pool id> --client-name BackendClient --explicit-auth-flows "ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH"

Take note of the return payload, specifically the ClientId.

Create Backend User

We're going to create a new user in the user pool specifically for the use of the backend Lambda function to be able to call the AppSync mutation APIs.

aws cognito-idp admin-create-user --user-pool-id <value of user pool id> --username "<email of new admin user>" --user-attributes=Name=email,Value="<email of new admin user>" --message-action "SUPPRESS"

aws cognito-idp admin-set-user-password --user-pool-id <value of user pool id> --username "<email of new admin user>" --password "<password>" --permanent

Remember the email and password for the admin user, the next step is to store these values in AWS Secrets Manager for the backend Lambda function to consume.

Create Secrets Manager Entries

Create entry for the backend user account

aws secretsmanager create-secret --name "stockMonitoring/<env>/backend" --secret-string '{"username": "<backend username>", "password": "<backend password>"}'

Create entry for the data feed API key

aws secretsmanager create-secret --name "stockMonitoring/<env>/datafeed" --secret-string '{"feed_api_key": "<feed api key>"}'

Configure the Backend Lambda

Open the file processors/GetIntradayPrices/config-exports.js

Update the following values:

  • cognito_pool_id: use the value from the file src/aws-exports.js in the aws_user_pools_id variable
  • cognito_backend_client_id: use the value from the ClientId of the backend client that was created in the previous section.
  • cognito_backend_access_key: value is stockMonitoring/<env>/backend
  • appsync_endpoint_url: use the value from the file src/aws-exports.js in the aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint variable
  • appsync_region: use the value from the file src/aws-exports.js in the aws_appsync_region variable
  • data_feed_key: value is stockMonitoring/<env>/datafeed

Deploy via CloudFormation

Create S3 bucket to serve as the staging area for deploying the Lambda function. This will be used by the AWS CloudFormation package command.

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <staging bucket name> --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=eu-west-1

Next we should install the dependencies that the function requires, do the following:

cd processors/GetIntradayPrices
npm install

Next we package and stage the Lambda function

cd ..
aws cloudformation package --template-file cf-template.yaml --s3-bucket <staging bucket name> --output-template-file packaged-template.yaml

Once the command succeeds you can then execute the deploy command

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file packaged-template.yaml --stack-name <stack name> --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Once deployment completes, going to the CloudFormation console and into the stack, you should be able to see the list of resources that were created

List of CloudFormation Resources

Clicking the Lambda function, you should be able to see the trigger, which is a CloudWatch scheduled event for every 30 mins.

Lambda Trigger


If you deployed the application locally, you can start the server using the following command

npm start

This command would automatically open the browser.

Alternatively, if you deployed via the Amplify Console, you can open the application using the URL generated from Amplify Console.

If this is your first time accessing the application, you should create a new account and validate it. Once you're logged in you can start adding stock symbols to monitor. See the following screenshot:

Manage Stock Symbols

You can then either wait for the Lambda function to trigger to start populating the data, or you can manually trigger. See the following screenshots on how to manually trigger:

Go to the console and look for the Lambda function that was created by the CloudFormation template, click test:

Click the Test Button

The Lambda function doesn't really need any payload, so you can just pass in an empty JSON document

Lambda Console Test Form

Once the test event has been created, you can click the Test button again and it should trigger the function. If you have the application open in the browser, you should be able to see the data streaming in via the chart that are automatically updated. For example:

Application Dashboard


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