Name | Number | |
Bruno Machado | 201907715 | [email protected] |
José Felisberto | 202108657 | [email protected] |
Miguel Sousa | 202207986 | [email protected] |
PacXon is an arcade game based on the classic Pacman in which the goal is to fill the arena with blocks. In each level, the goal is to fill the majority of the arena, while avoiding crossing paths with the monsters. PacXon can conquer little portions of the arena iteratively and wins as soon as the area conquered is equal or bigger than 80%.
For more detailed information about PacXon, please check the Game Description.
The following screenshots illustrate the general look of our game, as well as the divergent functionalities:
Fig 1. Main Menu
Fig 2. Rules Menu
Fig 3. PacXon gameplay
Fig 4. Win Menu
Fig 5. Game Over Menu