This repository contains dependency-independent workflows that can be shared and used on Joint Microbiome Facility (University of Vienna and Medical University of Vienna) generated data. It is regularly changed (for now) and that frequently results in some broken code... sorry.
These workflows are designed to be run on a SLURM-based server system with snakemake but should be able to run on any linux system as all of the dependencies are installed using bioconda through snakemake.
For reproducibility these directories are designed around snakemake's directory structure (found here:
That looks like this:
├── .gitignore
├── workflow
│ ├── rules
| │ ├── module1.smk
| │ └── module2.smk
│ ├── envs
| │ ├── tool1.yaml
| │ └── tool2.yaml
│ ├── scripts
| │ ├──
| │ └── script2.R
│ ├── notebooks
| │ ├──
| │ └── notebook2.r.ipynb
│ ├── report
| │ ├── plot1.rst
| │ └── plot2.rst
| └── Snakefile
├── log
├── intermediates
├── config
│ ├── config.yaml
│ └── some-sheet.tsv
├── data
│ ├── DNA
│ ├── RNA
│ ├── NP
│ └── ref
├── results
└── resources
But don't worry, you can set this entire thing up like this:
mkdir <desired directory name>
cd <desired directory name>
#clone this repo
git clone .
#make the rest of the directories
mkdir data
mkdir data/DNA
mkdir data/RNA
mkdir data/ref
mkdir data/NP
mkdir log
mkdir intermediates
mkdir results
mkdir resources
Creating a conda environment with a stable form of snakemake will be very helpful for running these commands.
I have created a conda environment for snakemake v8.20.3 in order to keep things stable.
Creating your own snakemake environment (Must have conda installed)
#create environment
conda create --name snakemake_v8.20.3
#activate environment
conda activate snakemake_v8.20.3
#install snakemake
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda snakemake=8.20.3
#install SLURM specific plugin
pip install snakemake-executor-plugin-slurm
In general snakemake workflows/rules can be run from the main directory ("desired directory name" from above) like this:
For a system with modules
module load conda
conda activate snakemake_v8.20.3
snakemake --cores <total available threads> -s <snakemake workflow/rule> -j10 --use-conda
If you are not using this on a using with modules, please ignore the "module load" commands. In that case you need to have conda and snakemake installed and accessible.
To submit the entire workflow or rule to a slurm-based workflow manager
sbatch workflows/scripts/ <workflow/rule>
will submit all workflow jobs to the servers as needed.
These workflows can be used with paired-end (1 bam file) illumina reads in the data/DNA directory. The workflow will clean all .bam files and use the sample name from data/DNA/sample.bam to label the output interleaved fastq.gz. The final readsets will be in data/interleave_DNA.
For environmental samples (non-medical):
For medical samples (removes reads aligned to mouse, rat and human genomes):
Similarly, RNA files can be processed from data/RNA. This workflow is similar to the DNA version but has a stricter q-value cut off (q=28 instead of q=15).
For environmental samples (non-medical):
For medical samples (removes reads aligned to mouse, rat and human genomes):
These workflows can be used with paired-end (split files) illumina reads in the data/DNA directory. The workflow will clean all .fastq.gz files and use the sample name from data/DNA/sample.1.fastq.gz to label the output interleaved fastq.gz. Readsets should named like this "samplename.1.fastq.gz" and "samplename.2.fastq.gz" for the left and right read files respectively. The final readsets will be in data/interleave_DNA.
For environmental samples (non-medical):
For medical samples (removes reads aligned to mouse, rat and human genomes):
The workflows all use SPAdes ( as the assembler and then attempt to bin the metagenome into putative MAGs using Metabat2 (, both with coverage and without. All workflows will attempt to assemble all data/interleave_DNA/sample.interleave.fastq.gz files and use some combination of those same files for coverage binning.
For metagenomic assembly and binning with all readsets in data/interleave_DNA/:
For metagenomic assembly and binning with only the sample's readset in data/interleave_DNA/:
For isolate (or very low diversity) assembly and binning with only the sample's readset in data/interleave_DNA/:
Final MAGs (high quality ones) can be found here: results/{sample}_spades/final_bins_rebin/dereplicated_genomes/
A quality and taxonomy excel file can be found here for all of these final MAGs: results/{sample}_spades/final_bins_rebin/dereplicated_genomes/final_rebin_QC.xlsx
The workflows megahit_metagenome_assembly_binning.smk
and spades_metagenome_assembly_binning.smk
are not currently in use because they use concoct, which I cannot get to work at the moment.
Many projects have multiple treatment groups or subsets with the project, which could make binning with only a subset more successful (or less) than binning with all data/interleave_DNA/sample.fastq.gz.
A subset can be used after running spades_metagenome_assembly_binning_noconcoct.smk
. Upon completion, all bams for the mapping will be in results/{sample}_spades/bams. Just move any mapping files (named after samples) to a newly created directory called results/{sample}_spades/bams_rebin. Then you can run rebinner_spades.smk
This is not the perfect set up as it wastes some time and computing power aligning more samples to the metagenome than needed.... but it works.
Assemblies can be found here upon completion: results/{sample}_spades/
Final MAGs (high quality ones) can be found here: results/{sample}_spades/final_bins/dereplicated_genomes/
A quality and taxonomy excel file can be found here for all of these final MAGs: results/{sample}_spades/final_bins/dereplicated_genomes/final_QC.xlsx
Files for RNA DESeq/edgeR analysis can be prepared using:
Bacterial MAGs or Assemblies can be added to data/ref with the ending .fa and RNA readsets can be added to /data/interleave_RNA (should be in there if you used the above RNA workflows). This workflow will annotation all MAGs in data/ref using PROKKA and align all readsets to them using bbmap and generate the appropriate FeatureCounts tables.
The FeatureCounts tables can be found here: "results/FeatureCounts/{genome}.featurecounts.tsv"
The PROKKA annotations can be found here: data/ref/{genome name}
Nanopore workflows
Please feel free to share comments/issues/suggestions with me.