This repo is a demonstration of using Apache Spark with Python to provide analysis of CSV-delimited data from a PV solar inverter. See, jfy-monitor and monitoring my inverter.
There are two file formats involved in the entire collection. The first is the output from solarmonj, and has the following schema:
Field name Datatype and units Timestamp seconds-since-epoch Temperature float (degrees C) energyNow float (Watts) energyToday float (Watt-hours) powerGenerated float (Hertz) voltageDC float (Volts) current float (Amps) energyTotal float (Watt-hours) voltageAC float (Volts)
Due to bugs in solarmonj when combined with occasionally marginal hardware, some rows in the first version are invalid:
Those records are dropped prior to creating RDDs.
The second schema is from jfy-monitor, and has this schema:
The first schema is in effect for records starting on 2013-06-04 and ending on 2018-03-26.
The second schema takes effect with the logfiles starting on 2018-03-27. There were some records from 2018-03-27/8 which have different fields, because I was updating jfyMonitor in production and breaking things. We drop those records.
We load up all the data files, and then from within a venv which has pyspark installed, we run
$ spark-submit /path/to/this/file (args)
to generate several reports: - for each year, which month had the day with the max and min energy outputs - for each month, what was the average energy generated - for each month, what was the total energy generated