A modified version of Cr4zyy's original script to work better in dockerized environments. The principle difference is that it uses curl to send RPC/API commands to transmission which removes the dependency on having the transmission-remote CLI installed. It also logs to STDERR instead of log file so you can view the output using docker logs.
- Change the USER:PASSWD to your USERNAME and PASSWORD for your Transmission. If you don't have a password you can remove the '-n USER:PASSWD'
- Run this script as a "custom script" from Radarr's "Settings > Connect > Connections" option. Set it to function 'On Download/Upgrade' put in the path to the script and save.
- Make sure the script is executable by the Radarr user
- Ideally meant to run with Radarr copying files, not hardlinking
- BASH script
- Optionally refresh season within Radarr to update not captured file moves
- Optionally empty plex trash in Movie library, use plex_library_key.sh to find the library number