cd ~
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
git clone .vim
cd .vim
git submodule update --init --recursive
Don't forget to add TERM environment variable to .bashrc
export TERM=xterm-256color
Seems that vim version in Ubuntu 12.04 is quite old for YCM. In this case, you can compile vim 7.4 by hand or disable YCM.
cd ~
hg clone
cd vim
./configure --with-features=huge \
--enable-rubyinterp \
--enable-pythoninterp \
--enable-perlinterp \
--enable-gui=gtk2 --enable-cscope --prefix=/usr/local/stow/vim-7.4
sudo make install
cd /usr/local/stow
sudo stow vim-7.4
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/editor editor /usr/local/bin/vim 1
sudo update-alternatives --set editor /usr/local/bin/vim
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/vi vi /usr/local/bin/vim 1
sudo update-alternatives --set vi /usr/local/bin/vim
In addition to this, is needed to compile YCM support.
sudo apt-get install cmake
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
./ --clang-completer
For MacOS X with MacPorts you can use the following code. It is important that you use the same python version that has been used for linking vim to compile YCM. This has been tested with Mavericks.
sudo port install vim +python27
sudo port select python python27
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
./ --clang-completer