This package adds support for accessing libpmpv from with Tclsh or Wish. Only audio files are supported and playlists are not used.
Standard development tools should be installed. If essential packages are not installed, configure generates appropriate messages. In any case, these packages must be installed:
- gcc, make, autoconf, autotools
- mpv and libmpv-dev
- tcl and tcl-dev
Clone the repository in a development directory. Run
sudo make install
On Debian, Tcl/Tk libraries are installed in /usr/lib/tcltk/x86_64-linux-gnu. To have make install in the correct directory, run configure with:
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib/tcltk/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Setting #MPVDEBUG 1 in tclmpv.c generates a mpvdebug.txt file with debug messages in the directory where the Tcl script is run.
In example/mpv_example.tcl most library functions are called.
This package had been developed and tested on Debian 10. It should run on Windows and Apple, but it is not tested in any way.
License terms are mentioned in the file licence.terms.