This repository contains the resources used for the Couchbase Query Workbench, which is a plug-in for the Couchbase Administrative Console. This code can also be run in a stand-alone mode, for users who are not administrators. This document primarily describes the latter use, in stand-alone mode.
You will need to have golang installed on your platform.
$ mkdir $HOME/standalone
$ export GOPATH=$HOME/standalone
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $HOME/standalone
$ mkdir bin pkg
Clone the git repo into the current working directory, to get the source, so as to be able to make a build. This clones it into query:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone ssh:// query-ui
$ cd query-ui
$ go get .
$ cd $GOPATH
$ go install -v -gcflags "-N -l" ./src/
This creates an executable called 'query-ui' in the $GOPATH/bin directory.
To run in standalone mode, you need to tell the executable where to find a Couchbase server, and where to find all the web resources.
$GOPATH/bin/query-ui -webcontent=$GOPATH/src/ -datastore=http://localhost:8091
which should produce the following output messages:
Launching query web service.
Using CB Server at: http://localhost:8091
Using N1QL query service on: localhost:8093
Using mgmt query service on: localhost:8091
Using web content at: /Users/eben/src/standalone/src/
Launching UI server, to use, point browser at http://localhost:8095
If you want to have it use a specific query engine, you can specify that instead:
$GOPATH/bin/query-ui -webcontent=$GOPATH/src/ -queryEngine=http://localhost:8093
The UI will be accessible via a web browser, by default on http://localhost:8095.
The UI is the same as is found in the Couchbase administrative console.
This UI can also run against an instance of CBAS, where you give it the URL for CBAS as the -queryengine, and tell it the REST prefix to use instead of /query:
$GOPATH/bin/query-ui -webcontent=$GOPATH/src/ -queryEngine=http://localhost:8095 -queryPrefix=/analytics -localPort=:8096
Because CBAS defaults to port 8095 as well, you need to tell it to put the UI on a different port, in this example 8096.