This is a project done based on this freeCodeCamp tutorial. The tutorial shows how to build a website by using React, MongoDB Atlas, Express and Node.js. What I did on my own was to mix those tools with React-Redux, Redux-Saga, Formik (also with Yup) and React-Bootstrap. It has no purpose rather than to practice. What I mean is that it doesn't do anything special nor solves any problem. It is simple exercise tracker that lets yout:
- Add a new "user"
- Create a new Exercise, with some information
- See the exercises
- Delete and edit those exercises
It doesn't have authentication, anyone can do anything on the data.
- Setup the database in MongoDB Atlas as explained here
- Clone this repository into your computer
- Inside each folder ('backend' and 'frontend') type the command
npm install
oryarn install
- Inside the backend folder create a .env file containing the variable
- This variable should contain the link given when setting up your database.
- Install nodemon globally by typing
npm install -g
- Then, to run it you should type the command
nodemon server
in the backend folder andyarn start
ornpm run
in the mern-tutorial directory.
Note that the server port specified in backend/server.js must be the same as the constant port
on mern-tutorial/src/store/sagas.js, so backend and frontend can interact correctly.
- Handling API calls, with something like a "loading" component
- Other React frameworks like Material UI or React Styled Components
- Node and relational databases
- Authentication and registering users
- Everything related with backend...
Julián Sanmartino