Day 15: Expresso Machine (functional programming)
Day 16: Expresso Machine (with classes)
Day 17: Question bank and use of lists
Day 18: Multiple challengues with Turtle and color challengue
Day 19: Turtle competition
Day 20: Snake game using Turtle library
Day 22: Pong game using Turtle library
Day 23: Car game using Turtle library
Day 24: Letter problem with Files
Day 25:
- squirrel stats: Use of pandas to collect stats
- US states game: GUI game with files and pandas
Day 26: Nato Game - List and dict compresion to build data read from csv
Day 27: Build GUI with Tkinter module and build miles to km converter
Day 28: Build a Pomodoro GUI with Tkinter
Day 29: Password Manager GUI with Tkinter
Day 30: Management of Exceptions, Errors and JSON data
Day 31: Flash cards to translate beetween French and English --Pandas, tkinter --
Day 32: Send birthday emails --smtplib and datetime-- you need to create a "Password aplication" from your google administration account. Be sure you have rows with a birthday that correspond to today.
Day 33: Build an API(Application Programming Interfaces)
- Resources:
- Code:
- Kanye GUI: Use Kanye API to get quotes and show them in a GUI with tkinter
- ISS overhead email: send and email when iss over our head (depending where you are lat,long)
- Play with lat|long
Day 34: Creating a GUI quiz that grab questions from an API(tkinter)
Day 35: API Keys, Authentication & env variables -SMS -- usign Twilio--
env # list environment variables set in your terminal env | grep YOUR_VARIABLE # look for YOUR_VARIABLE export YOUR_VARIABLE=value # set YOUR_VARIABLE to value
Day 36: Trading News Alert Project -send news is a sms messages if Tesla's stock prices change %5 in two consecutives days-
- Resources:
Day 37: Habit tracking project -- POST,PUT, DELETE http methods and authentication using headers --
- Resources:
Day 38: Workout tracking using google sheets
We are going to use the python-100-days virtual environment for the project. We are going to create a folder per day and in case we need to install something really different to the virtual environment global for the project then we can create a new virtual environment for that day.
If you are on Mac OS you need to install first tcl-tk
before you install your python version 3.12.3
brew install tcl-tk
Install pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv
Install Python 3.12.7
pyenv install 3.12.7
Create a virtual environment for the project
pyenv virtualenv 3.12.7 python-100-days
set as local python version
pyenv local python-100-days
In case you haven't installed tcl-tk
then you need to uninstall
your python version and reinstall after install tcl-tk
pyenv uninstall 3.12.3
brew install tcl-tk
pyenv install 3.12.3
- Use pip to install new packages
pip install <name-package>
- List dependencies
pip list
- Search packages
pip index versions <name-package>
- Update pip
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
We are using ruff
To check violations run
ruff check
To fix them
ruff check --fix
To include sort imports run
ruff check --select I --fix
To format the project
ruff format