Generate a Randomized, Original Star Wars Character!
“Do. Or do not. There is no try.”
##About Greetings, padawans! This app generates an original character from the Star Wars universe by randomizing species, homeplanets, and professions, and packaging them all together to create your very own character in the Star Wars universe! (Currently text-based stats only)
You know you want to try it...
- Create an account (must login to create characters! Can still browse while logged out)
- Click on Browse Characters to see a list of all characters created
- Enter a name and gender, click Create New Character button
- See your newly created character in all its glory
- Click on "details" link by species and/or planet to view details on that species/planet and Wookieepedia link
- Click on your username in the menu bar to view or delete your created characters
- Click on Browse Users to view other users and their characters
- Logout when done creating characters!
- **PS - creating characters for yourself and friends is really fun. Trust me, I'm a Jedi.
- SWAPI - The Star Wars API
- [Swapi Ruby Gem] (