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A GitHub App built with Probot that A Probot app which automatically labels GitHub Issues and Pull Requests.

Currently, this only supports self-hosted instances. Read up on Probot's development/deployment guidelines to get setup.


# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run the bot
npm start


Create a YAML document in your repository at .github/auto-labeler.yml, with the format:

# auto-labeler "simple" schema
# Comment is applied to both issues and pull requests.
# If you need a more robust solution, consider the "full" schema.
comment: |
  👍 Thanks for this!
  🏷 I have applied any labels matching special text in your issue.

  Please review the labels and make any necessary changes.
# Labels is an object where:
# - keys are labels
# - values are array of string patterns to match against title + body in issues/prs
    - '\bbug[s]?\b'
  'help wanted':
    - '\bhelp( wanted)?\b'
    - '\bduplicate\b'
    - '\bdupe\b'
    - '\benhancement\b'
    - '\bquestion\b'

This will apply the labeling rules for all issues and pull requests.

For more control, consider the "full" schema:

# auto-labeler "full" schema

# enable auto-labeler on issues, prs, or both.
  issues: true
  prs: true
# comments object allows you to specify a different message for issues and prs

  issues: |
    Thanks for opening this issue!
    I have applied any labels matching special text in your title and description.

    Please review the labels and make any necessary changes.
  prs: |
    Thanks for the contribution!
    I have applied any labels matching special text in your title and description.

    Please review the labels and make any necessary changes.

# Labels is an object where:
# - keys are labels
# - values are objects of { include: [ pattern ], exclude: [ pattern ] }
#    - pattern must be a valid regex, and is applied globally to
#      title + description of issues and/or prs (see enabled config above)
#    - 'include' patterns will associate a label if any of these patterns match
#    - 'exclude' patterns will ignore this label if any of these patterns match
      - '\bbug[s]?\b'
    exclude: []
  'help wanted':
      - '\bhelp( me)?\b'
      - '\b\[test(ing)?\]\b'
      - '\bfeat\b'
    exclude: []


Deployment via now requires a now account, and the following secrets configured:

  • app-id
  • private-key
  • webhook-secret

The secrets must match the values defined in the app's app settings.

NOTE: if you're using Google Chrome and auto-filling passwords in GitHub, you must replace the webhook secret anytime you change app settings.

private-key is a base64 encoded string of your private key. You may need to generate a new key and run the following:

now secret add private-key "$(openssl base64 < /path/to/your/downloaded.pem| tr -d '\n')"

A new webhook secret can be generated:

ruby -rsecurerandom -e 'puts SecureRandom.hex(20)'

Make now of this value, update your app settings with the generated secret, then store it in now secrets:

now secret add webhook-seret YOUR_SECRET_HERE

With these added to now secrets, there are no additional configuration changes to be made. To deploy:

now -n auto-labeler

Additional environment variables can be passed to this deploy, for example:

now -n auto-labeler -e LOG_LEVEL=trace


If you have suggestions for how auto-labeler could be improved, or want to report a bug, open an issue! We'd love all and any contributions.

For more, check out the Contributing Guide.


ISC © 2018 Jim Schubert [email protected]