Ideogram.js is a JavaScript library for chromosome visualization. Ideogram supports drawing and animating genome-wide datasets for human, mouse and many other eukaryotes.
Check out live examples, get up and running with your own deployment, skim basic usage, or dive into the full API!
To link directly to the latest release, copy this snippet:
<script src="[email protected]/dist/js/ideogram.min.js"></script>
You can also easily use the library locally:
$ cd <your local web server document root>
$ git clone
Then go to http://localhost/ideogram/examples.
Or, if you use npm:
npm install ideogram
You can then import Ideogram into an application like so:
import Ideogram from 'ideogram';
<script src="[email protected]/dist/js/ideogram.min.js"></script>
var ideogram = new Ideogram({
organism: 'human',
annotations: [{
name: 'BRCA1',
chr: '17',
start: 43044294,
stop: 43125482
Many more usage examples are available at
You can also find examples of integrating Ideogram with JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue, as well as data science platforms like R and Jupyter Notebook.
See the Ideogram API reference for detailed documentation on configuration options and methods.