Hop-hop is a javascript jumping game using canvas that player is aiming to jump upward and never fall to the bottom of the canvas.
With this Hop-hop game, users will be able to:
- Start and reset the game board
- Use left and right arrows key on keyboard to decide which panel to land in order to jump upward
- Move across left and right border to reach the other side
- Jump in different speeds when stepping on different types of platforms
In addition, this project will include:
- An About modal describing the background and rules of the game
- A production README
This app will consist of a single screen with game board, game controls, and nav links to the Github, my LinkedIn, and the About modal. Game controls will include Start, Stop, and Reset buttons.
This project will be implemented with the following technologies:
for game logic,- 'Sprite Canvas' to create animation.
In addition to the entry file, there will be four scripts involved in this project:
: this script will handle the game logic for starting and reset the game.
: this script will handle the single player jumping, falling, moving left, moving right events.
: this script will handle the cloud moving effects as part of the background.
: this script will handle the platform creating, udpating, and collision based on single player's coordinates.