PlayTogether is a Progressive Web Application built with the Blazor Framework for builidng web application and uses a .NET Core Web API to commuincate with a SQL Database and external APIs.
Our team’s near vision is to develop the most innovate software concept that will provide the ability for gamers to create and manage profiles based on personal and gaming information and to have access to other gamer’s profiles.
Our future vision is to connect gamers who want to play with other's that have similar preferences, playing styles and other common factors together. Our software will improve the gamers matchmaking market by exceeding gamers requirements of being able to have visibility of other gamer’s skills and using that information to organize the most competitive gaming team possible.
The production code for the PlayTogether is stored on the main branch in a public Azure DevOps Repository.
Our backlog is ordered according to the expected workflow of the gamers that will be utilizing the PlayTogether app. For example, backlog items related to creating and managing the user's profile would be ordered first followed by the baclog items related to searching and communicating with other users.
- Short, concise title
- User story opening sentence/description
- User story is well-structured defines a single feature/action
- Set acceptance criteria
- Estimated in story points by developer(s)
- Dependencies identified
- Given a priority
- Approved by a product owner
- Assigned to sprint
- Additional details (if applicable)
- Jonathan Gamble (Team Lead) - Scrum Master/Developer
- Shakera Dean - Product Owner
- Miche Isaac - Product Owner
- Terrence Shannon - Product Owner/Developer
- Wyatt Landers - Developer
All documentation about Sprint 1 can be found in the Sprint 1 folder in thie repo. The will provide additional information.
All documentation about Sprint 2 can be found in the Sprint 2 folder in thie repo. The will provide additional information.
All documentation about Sprint 3 can be found in the Sprint 3 folder in thie repo. The will provide additional information.